
Jewish Experience And Reflection

Decent Essays

There was definitely some things that happened that were different and confusing for me to experience.
I arrived before the service began at 6:00 that night for the social hour starting at 5:30; there were lots of guests that had come early as well. I sat by some of the other students from religion class but none of the regular attendees came up to us to introduce themselves. I think they knew we were only there to fulfil the need of the class but you could tell we were secluded from the rest of Jewish members.
One thing that I did not understand the meaning of was the lighting of the candles. According to the staff at, Sarah (from the Bible) lighted candles in her living space on the night of the Sabbath and they miraculously stayed lit until the next Friday. So when the members of the Hillel Center lit their candles, they were doing as Sarah did each Sabbath night.
Another part that I did not understand was when everyone prayed before the service at the “welcoming” ceremony they all put their hands over their eyes. I researched this tradition and found out that the prayer they were saying was the Shema. The Shema is one of the prayers that is in the Torah itself. (Judaism 101: Shema) The Shema is said with …show more content…

After looking at Shurpin’s article I understand why. The Hebrew language is written from right to left instead of left to right, which is why the higher page numbers are in the front of the book and the smaller page numbers are in the back. In this article it gives a reason as to why the Hebrew language may have be written from right to left, “One popular theory is that Hebrew is written from right to left because, in ancient times, when chiseling out words on a stone tablet, the engraver would hold the hammer in his stronger hand (usually the right hand) and the chisel in the left hand, making it much easier to write from right to

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