
Job Selection Is A Problem Faced With Everyone After Graduation

Decent Essays

Job selection is a problem faced with everyone after graduation. However, how to use some methods to help people to choose the best one is very important. In this case Yaoming now get job offers from five different companies which are located at five different places respectively. Also, each company provides different salaries and provision such as the amount of travel associated with Yaoming’s job. The aim of this project is using a list of criteria and the software tool to help him to decide which job to take. However, the customer has very limited information on which to compare the five jobs based on these criteria. Therefore extra information were found through library and Internet so that the validate data such as the cost of living in the city, the crime rate in the city and so on can be obtained to estimate which city is more suitable for him. Background Multi-Ctiteria Decision Analysis is simply called MCDA which is a very useful tool that the user can employ to many compound decisions. MCDA is an aid to integrating objective measurement with value judgment (Belton and Stewart, 2003), also, it can be used in a variety of different problems and field, such as ranking, scaling, assessment, and design. It is most suitable to fix problems which are featured as a selection among those alternatives. Meanwhile, MCDA has all the features of a beneficial decision support tool: it can help the user to concentrate on what is important, is reasonable, consistency, and is

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