
John C. Turner's Social Identity And Intergroup Relations '

Decent Essays

Why can identity dictate if you are going to achieve with what you are doing or in your life in general? John C. Turner states “The sum total of the social identifications used by a person to define him- or herself will be described as his or her social identity. Social categorizations define a person by systematically including them within some, and excluding them from other related categories” In his book “Social Identity and Intergroup Relations”. Depending on which social identity and category you are in could decide what you will achieve with your life. In a few situations you may not be able to decide your identity, still you should embrace who you are and make the best of what you have the influence over.
Defining one’s self is one of the greatest things we will do in our lives as it will decide the path we travel in life as well as what we will achieve. Figuring out what we are going to do when we begin college and what we desire to make of our lives the skills we want to learn and the effort we need to put in to achieve them. How you wish to identify yourself can be difficult to figure out as it can be complicated at times. Once you understand your identity and what you want to come to be you will be compelled to work as it might take a lot of work to acquire skills to turn into the person you want to be. It takes a lot of courage, determination, and being steadfast even through the hardest of times; even when you are confident you cannot …show more content…

Take control of your life and define your identity and do not let people change your identity as John Turner said “define him- or herself will be described as his or her social identity”. Identity affects achievement since it will dictate what you will achieve in and if you even achieve at

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