
John Daniels Definition Of Intrinsic Values

Decent Essays

To place a permanent definition on intrinsic values is extremely hard to accomplish due to the many endless amounts of opinions that occur throughout the world. Due to the many perspective that occur throughout the world, it is very difficult to determine the most common definitions because almost every definition is different. In many people's eyes, they believe the true definition belongs to the eyes of the beholder. Although these ideas for the definition aren't incorrect, they don't accurately display the true meaning of intrinsic values. The true definition for intrinsic value is the emotional or cultural value that a location, object, or item possess to someone, and this value cannot be quantified, unless by the person who has this attachment. …show more content…

He feels that nature is looked at as an economic resource rather than it being viewed as a beautiful piece of artwork. This pillar directly related to the major claim given by John Daniels because earth is destroyed from its resource, earth is looked at for its economic potential. When humans look at the economic potential of earth's resources, they completely toss out the thought of the potential intrinsic value of Mother Nature. The potential intrinsic value is rarely thought of by almost every human on earth, and this will bring the eventual end to earth …show more content…

Mother Nature has a value that cannot be measured nor quantified, it is on a playing field of their own. The environment around every human on earth, provides every necessity to sustain life. Nature provides food, shelter, and even entertainment to all its member. Although there significant challenges that arise when trying to survive in certain environments, the environment should not be destroyed just to make it easier thrive in. Nature is the ultimate provider for all organisms on earth, but there are those people that try and take advantage of nature's gifts. Due to greed for money and power, people mine the earth and destroy the entire environment. The way the earth and its environment is treated in completely disrespectful. The environment does have intrinsic

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