
John Roush's 'College Should Be An Adventure'

Decent Essays

Through a life one can agree that success isn't a straight shot. There are hardships that will inhibit a person from their goal. With hard work one can live a “Life Almost Straight”. Most pieces under the unit name of “Life Almost Straight”; College Should Be an Adventure” by John Roush, “Peanuts” by Charles Schultz, and “Construint” by Efrai to name the key ones to be mentioned; collectively show a literal or interpretive hardship. Hardship is important for the Human Condition because hardship helps those who face it develop skills to further persevere past the opposing force and continue to surpass and succeed within life. The previously listed works have key connections to the collective unit name as well as to the Human Condition, as to be discussed.
College Should Be An Adventure”, Roush’s work in this piece seemed to promote motivation to persevere and enjoy life, all while getting to a goal. A key quote from the piece, “Prepare not for your first job but for your last job.” promotes the same ideology of perseverance and meeting goals as needed. …show more content…

The “Peanuts” strip on human nature is a very good example of this. In review, the comic strip connects with the unit name by showing that not even the best of people can surpass putting faith into the wrong person, at least once. When Lucy says “You have such faith in human nature.” within the strip, it is a poke at not just Charlie Brown but also the reader, in saying that Charlie had faith in Lucy’s honesty but was yet again fooled. This connects to the collective unit title, “Life Almost Straight”, by exploiting the idea that the reader of the comic has, and will in the future, put trust in someone that the reader shouldn’t have. Trusting and putting faith into someone and having that broken creates a trauma and in that case, affects the life. The given idea of trust relates to the Human Condition by showing an emotion or a mindset that in human,

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