
John Van Sloten's The Day Metallica Came To Church

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In John Van Sloten’s The Day Metallica Came to Church, he takes a seemingly unholy, non-Christian, however you want to say it, aspect of life, in this case the band Metallica, and make an argument for why even it is God glorifying. Metallica is a very popular heavy metal band that on the surfaces seems like it has absolutely nothing to do with God or the church. Van Sloten however, finds a way to argue they have a lot more to do with God than a lot of people, even the band itself, thinks. So much so to deliver a sermon on it in his church in Calgary. This sermon and idea also lead to this book on which he extends his ideas about Metallica to several other aspects of life that we often keep separate from God. We as Christians like to live compartmentalized …show more content…

Sports has become such a massive part of our culture and it is truly the most important thing in a lot of people’s lives. Every sports fan wants the same thing, for their favorite team to win the championship. They watch all season hoping their team gets the chance to play to win the trophy at the end of the season, and it can sometimes get to a point where it consumes their every thought. Van Sloten argues that our innate desire for our favorite hockey team (Colorado Avalanche) to in the Stanley Cup, is actually a desire for God. He defines this natural desire for God as sensus devinitatis. John Calvin defined it as “an inherent understanding and awareness of (God) into every single human” (84) and Van Sloten thinks this comes out most potently during sports. As I write this paper, I am watching Sergio Garcia and Justin Rose walk of the 18th fairway of Augusta Nation Golf Club in the first playoff hole to win the Master tournament. Sergio has been on the PGA Tour since 1996 and has yet to win a major tournament. As they make the walk up to the green I can’t help but feel nervous, excided, and terrified all at the same time, and I’m just sitting in my dorm room watching, I can imagine what the players must be feeling. I want Sergio to win so bad that my palms are sweating and I can’t watch as he hits his putt. Can this yearning for a golfer that has waited so long for this moment to finally prevail, really just be me wanting God? Honestly, this is an idea that has never crossed my mind and I’m not sure I am convinced about it. My desire for my favorite sports teams to win seems like a pretty selfish desire to me and really has nothing to do with God. The idea of sensus devinitatis makes sense to me but I have never thought that when I have a strong Earthly desire for something, it’s just my desire for God. That would make me feel a little bit better because I know that I

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