
John Wesley

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“Just as a candle cannot burn without fire, men cannot live without a spiritual life” (Buddha). Religion has dominated the world since the creation of time; the need for higher power to simply be has been in great abundance. People in society feel they need and long for something of supreme being. Humans tend to need explanations for the unknown in the world so they focus on a larger than life answer. John Wesley, the founder of the Methodist church, strove to maintain his non-conformist attitude during a time in which religion had ran stale; one man was able to produce a new denomination focused on faith and evangelistic-style preaching all the while clinging tenaciously to his ideas and great integrity.
John Wesley, the founder of the Methodist …show more content…

He and group of other young adults named the “Holy Group” ministered to many different people on campus. The group was given this name because of their reputation and stricts life guidelines. The guidelines that certainly seemed ridiculous to other people on campus were the acts of strict spiritual discipline and charitable works. The strict methods that the “Holy Group” used were the strict rules directly laid out in the bible. They believed so highly in these methods, that many people gave them a nickname similar to the root of the word “Methodist” the name was meant in a completely harmless fashion (Emeritus T. R. Doraisam) .Every man of God struggles with shaky faith at some point. Early in his life John Wesley was at a loss of his faith, when death was calling him by name he found little to no comfort in his religion. His faith walk was little to no movement at all. He wanted to quit his ministry because he felt so helpless in his faith walk. One of his friends gave him the advice that he should act as if you have an abundance of faith and eventually it will be granted and you will have to act no longer. After acting on this advice he was able to lead a helpless man in prison to a life of service to the lord. The sermon that touched this lost soul was the thought that is in christ alone that you are forgiven of sins. Meaning all he needed to do was ask for forgiveness of that said sin and God the father would forgive him of all wrong

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