
Judicial Reforms

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We all know this universal rule that there is nothing constant in this world except change. The only difference could be the speed at which the wheels of transformation may spin. The idea of justice and the manner of its implementation are no exception to this universal rule.
Judicial reforms should, therefore, be at the centre stage in the fast transforming world in which we live. It is imperative for enhancing the quality of justice that is at the core of human existence and welfare of any society. It is simply the fundamental goal of all societies. This is the reason why the human civilization has been locked in a constant struggle to achieve higher standards of fairness and equity. The endeavour is timeless with societies borrowing …show more content…

We have full faith in the genius of our Judiciary to find the way forward to effect reforms in the judicial system so as to sustain the faith of the common man in the justice delivery process.
We must engineer change to reduce the backlog of court cases and the experience of the legal luminaries from around the globe must be utilized. Experience reveals that important lessons can be gleaned from experiments conducted in different countries. Additionally, there is a constant review of procedure and modification by way of Practice Directions and Practice Notes simplifying rules and forms. In our country the Civil Procedure Code has all the ingredients necessary for an expeditious trial but the system requires a change in the mind set of the persons administering it. They should have a commitment to speed and expedition.
Internationally there is complete recognition that management of litigation is a service and not a favour. It is accepted that a litigant is entitled to the most appropriate and expeditious means of grievance redressal. Today, we live in a world where the traditional notions of state boundaries are fast crumbling. Technological advancements have created an interconnected world that has helped

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