
Junior Golf Footwear

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Picking the Best Junior Golf Shoe

We all want our kids to start things off on the right foot, especially when learning something new. Whether you want to get your little champion ready to step up to the tee, or they have simply outgrown their old shoes, picking out golf shoes for your junior golfer can be a stressful process. Having the right pair of kicks can greatly affect the performance of your little Michelle Wie or Jordan Spieth. The reason footwear is so important, especially with young golfers learning the skill, is because your junior’s golf shoes can influence everything from their form and stance to their ability to focus on follow through. So, if you are getting ready to get some new footgear for the green there are some things …show more content…

This can affect the cost as well, so it is important to understand what each material has to offer. As you could guess a shoe made out of fine leather will be substantially more expensive than a pair made of polyester. But, before we get into specifics let’s run through some quick jargon so when you read product descriptions you will know what you are looking at, as sometimes different materials are used in different areas to influence comfort and flexibility. The outsole is the outer bottom part of the shoe where the spikes are located. The next section up from the bottom is the midsole and is attached to the outsole. It is important to take note of what this section is made out of as this is typically where comfort support features are added. Next is the upper, which is attached to the midsole is in the part of the shoe that connects the shoe around the wearer’s ankle and includes the section for the laces. Now, that you know what you will be reading about, let’s move on to the common materials used to make these sections of your junior golf shoe.
Leather/Synthetic Leather
According to this site, there are a variety of things to consider when it comes to materials. First up is leather, the oldest time tested material used in the sport. There are several advantages to using leather, but the first thing many people may notice first is the price. Yes, leather is going to be …show more content…

However, since it is not made out of the same material and only fashioned after leather the synthetic form does has some variations from its organic cousin. First of all it doesn’t cost as much, but on average are still waterproof, keeping the wearer’s feet warm and dry. They also break in much easier, so your little Tiger won’t have to wait quiet so long to feel one with the course. However, they aren’t as durable or long lasting. They are still very strong, just not as strong as the real

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