Junior Reflective Essay
Tony Robbins once said, “Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible”. This essay directly correlates with that quote. Through this reflective essay, I will be reevaluating goals that I have previously set, and showing the creation of new goals for the future. This essay in itself will assist me in laying out these goals for myself, as well as reflecting on what I have done this year, who I am as a learner, and where I see myself going in the future.
Throughout junior year, I have been able to better define myself. I have been able to see not only what I value in myself, but also in others. I have realized in this past year that I value free-thinkers and independent personalities. My favorite hobbies include horseback riding, skiing, and creating change in the world. I am not fond of working, but I have realized that it is a necessary evil. I define myself as a hard worker and someone who enjoys working towards my goals, as opposed to just having things handed to me in life.
This year, I have struggled in things I have never really struggled in before. I have encountered challenges in math specifically, as well as my two AP classes,
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My short term goals for the next year or so include continuing working at Market Basket (at least until I am 18 and able to work elsewhere). I will be taking AP Psychology and AP World History next year, which I feel I will enjoy immensely. Also, I obviously plan to complete high school and move forward to a university. My long term goals are to attend a university where I will complete my bachelor’s degree and move forward towards a graduate program. After that, I would like to have a steady job for a couple years after graduation before starting a family of my own. Between all of those events, I would love to travel the world more than I previously
Problems I’ve had in the past is having a hard time with ELA and Social Studies. I will change that by focusing in class, listening and studying multiple
Your senior year was a wild, crazy mess. You started off the year not wanting to go to school to see Karson because you couldn’t handle it. You even left school some days when he would show up. You let your dumb self try again with Karson and it failed. You got hurt, and even cried.... A lot. You meet the love of your life, Kyle, and still talk to him even though you guys aren’t together right now. You both hope to reconnect after you finish your second year of college. Keep talking to him, don’t let him get away from you. You have had it tough this year, but by the end of the year you didn’t let anything affect you. Your grades were A’s and B’s all year. You made some amazing new friends like, Chandler, Clayton Ecker, Collin and more boys
I was very excited to start my junior year of college. I had a great year my second and third year and now was excited to see my friends, play soccer and work hard to improve my grades like always. I am m not very proud that I end my junior semester year with a 2.5 GPA. This was my hardest semester because I change my major from Physical Education to Business Administration.
“Since 9/11, (America’s airport security has) largely been a line of defense ahead of a departure gate to keep dangerous people and dangerous materials off a plane. By Bin Laden’s calculations, its cost $56 billion since 9/11. In one sense, it is worked as planned: No planes have been blown up or hijacked for a decade” (Airport Security Statistics). This quote explains that since 9/11 the airport security’s line of defense has been successful so far in keeping the people and the dangerous materials off the planes. While there are people who think that airport security is too strict, there are others who think that it is just fine the way it is right now. “They check every
Sophomore year had ended, and my summer had just begun. After a long wait to gain permission to go on a backpacking trip. My father gave me the approval. I took my love for the outdoors and began to explore it even more.
Junior High is a scary thought. You are little and going to school with the big kids. It wasn’t to bad after I got used to it.
I cant believe that I am finally a senior in high school it seems just like yesterday I was beginning high school. As I begin my final year I am beginning to realize that this year I will be faced with many responsibilities and will make tons of memories. But I hope that I am able to make my senior year the best yet. Through this final year I hope to have passing grades in all of my classes, to win pep rallies, and to have perfect attendance.
High school, four of the most interesting years of life. It is a time to find yourself and figure out who you are and what you want your place in this world to be. During this process comes friendships that build because of alike interests and beliefs. From freshman year at the bottom of the totem pole, all the way to senior year, being the top dog of your school. It is such a great feeling knowing that those three years of hard work build up to essentially a grand finale. Many big changes happen as you grow older in high school. From summer camps, to starts of a new year. From homecoming week, to the end of sport seasons. From in school privileges to coming to and leaving from school early, and finally Graduation. This grand finale year has some similarities and some differences and as you read on you will see what I mean.
My first day of senior year had been just like every other year, except my schedule was very basic. The goals I had in mind were mainly outside of my time in school. I had been taking college courses online to better prepare myself for college and to eliminate costs in classes, so I had to make sure I passed all of them. Another goal had been to save money from my job to accomplish personal goals after I exit high school.
Senior year of high school is finally here. I am quite nervous about this year and especially what follows throughout the year. Most seniors in high school are excited for the year and have a plan and just know what they are going to do when they graduate. But honestly, I'm not sure what I want to do yet. I'm just worried about today, and my health, and lifestyle and just trying to make my senior year a great year.
As I am entering my senior year everyone has told me to make sure and slow down because it will be over before I know it. This year I want to learn how to build a strong support group for my emotional well being and grow closer with new people. I am striving to try and make the most of my senior year, so God will prepare me for the upcoming years.
If someone ask me what is my favorite memories in high school for now. I’ll says that is my sophomore year. Because sophomore year is the year that changed my mind and my life, the year that I meet my awesome friend and everyone look at me a different way and here is what happened to my sophomore year.
Sophomore year is going to get tougher as you go on, but there will be many room to have fun, like the assemblies. Dont give in to video games, like last year. I will not play League of Legends or any other games until I finish my homework and studies. My days of being a procrastinator master is over. Remember back when you stayed up till 3:00 studying or doing a project at the last minute. Doing everything the day they are assigned makes your life more stress free. I wouldn’t be tired and have a mood swing while doing my homework, and then sleep for a few hours, and waking up feeling like poo.
Sophomore year in general has been treacherous . Now it's become harder trying to manage work while studying for finals, Eoc and keeping up with work. Nowadays, I find myself wishing to be back in elementary school. A memory that has been engraved to the deepest part of my brain is one of my teachers telling me of the importance of flushing and cleaning up after the mess that I create. I can’t believe that I once thought that elementary school was difficult. Let’s ignore the fact that my English wasn’t that good in elementary school, now that I’m actually reflecting on the time that I spent in elementary school, I can truly see how simple everything was. For example, I had to write my weekly vocabulary words thrice. But, this is the real world. We aren’t given the chance to go back in time just because we wish to relive certain periods of our lives.
I have accepted that not everything will turn out the way I want them to but I am going to move forward my senior year and make the best of it. I wish I could have improved myself and experienced more during my past three years of high school but now I know that I have the ability to be greater than what I limited myself to. The drive was always there, I just did not know how to embrace it. All that I want to accomplish overwhelms me but in order to achieve these long term goals, I have started taking the steps to change the way I see myself and accept that I am not perfect, but perfection is over rated. This fierce desire of excelling in my profession and aspiring to be a philanthropist excites me. I know I cannot change my past but I am not going to let it determine my future. I do not have it all figured out, but I am holding on to my faith and hope of a much fulfilling future. It is never too late to make a difference, not only in myself, but in the