
Essay about Kant

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Immanuel Kant

Immanuel Kant was a man before his time. His philosophies, as outlined in
Perpetual Peace, paved the way for modern political relations. Unbeknownst to his day and age, his insights were a revelation. They were seeds planted and left unsewn for 120 years. As a first and second image theorist, Kant mixes his liberal and realist views to paint a picture of "perpetual peace." His essay outlines the actions that nations should take to achieve this lofty objective. Through his layout of behavioral and philosophical ideologies, he believes nations can truly live synchronically. The first section of Kant's essay contains articles that specifically state the …show more content…

Nations, he says, must not interfere with the constitution of another. He implicitly reaffirms the principals of the
Treaty of Wesphaylia - sovereignty and noninterference. In the final article,
Kant addresses war directly. He states that if nations are at war, then they should refrain from doing things during the course of war that would cause the other nations to distrust them in future times of peace. By this, he is referring to the use of assassins and treasonous deeds. This concludes the first section of his essay. The second section of "Perpetual Peace" is more in depth. Kant gives us three articles that define what type of government nations must apply to reach a perpetual peace. He begins this section by arguing that it is not in man's nature to be at peace. He declares that the natural state of man is war.
He goes on to say: "...for the suspension of hostilities does not provide the security of peace..." (111) However, it can be reached in a state of lawfulness. Kant explains why republican constitutions are vital to ensure the peace of nations. He reasons this by arguing that this is the only type of government that guarantees freedom and equality of the people. Kant goes on to state that the republican form of government is the most difficult to form and maintain. But, he reaffirms that a republic is the type of government most apt to achieve peace because it gives its people a voice, ensures

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