
Kappa Gamma Fraternity

Decent Essays

AGREEMENT made this day of
, 20 between Chapter of Kappa Kappa Gamma Fraternity (“KKG”), a nonprofit association, and

1. Facilities. Contractor hereby rents to KKG the (the “Facilities”) for a KKG function on the following terms:

a. Date: b. Hours: c. Rate or fee: d. Payment terms:

2. Services. Contractor hereby agrees to provide to KKG the following services at the function described above:

a. Food Service

1) Description:

2) Rate or fee:

3) Payment terms:

b. Bar Service

1) Contractor shall provide the following bar services: (a) follow measures to ensure that only persons of legal drinking age are served alcoholic …show more content…

4) Rate or fee:

5) Payment terms:

c. Security Service

1) Contractor shall provide the following security services: (a) check identification of KKG members and guests; (b) ensure that only persons of legal drinking age are allowed to purchase and consume alcoholic beverages; (c) take reasonable steps to maintain crowd control and prevent disorderly or offensive conduct; and (d) take reasonable steps to prevent substance abuse by members and guests, including (i) preventing an obviously intoxicated individual from purchasing or consuming alcoholic beverages and (ii) peaceably and without the use of force removing disruptive and/or intoxicated individuals from the immediate premises.

2) Rate or fee:

3) Payment terms: 4) A minimum of one security guard per 100 individuals attending the event when a chaperone is present, or one security guard for every 50 individuals attending when no chaperone is present. 5) Number of individuals:
Number of security guards:

6) Venue contractor initials:

d. Other

1) Description:

2) Rate or fee:

3) Payment

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