
Kareem Attack In School

Decent Essays

EREPORT # 22983 stated the following: The incidents most recent occurrence was 11/28/2016. The child made verbal threats to harm a teacher assistant at his school. He wanted to stab her in the neck so she would burn in hell. He was referred for a risk assessment to Region IV. The assessment was completed and the therapist called the parent, but did not receive an answer at that time. The therapist left a message recommending a more in-depth assessment at a mental health facility, giving her at least two different options. (Parkwood or St. Francis) The parent did not return the call. The student did not return to school the next day, so the teacher texted the parent asking for an update. The parent replied by text that she was unable to seek …show more content…

He was referred to a risk assessment, and the therapist recommended he go to Parkwood or St. Francis for a more in-depth assessment. The parent did not seek medical treatment. Instead, she kept him at home for two days. Last school year we encountered similar threats from Kareem, and mom would not seek help for him. Since October 5 the school has documented multiple episodes of Kareem making verbal threats to harm him self or others, aggressive behavior towards staff and students, and caused property damage. He is disruptive to the point that he is out of the classroom more than he is in the classroom, and is not receiving an educational benefit. He has also exhibited delusional type thinking. The school district has made multiple attempts to have him placed in a residential treatment setting for long term care. On November 10 the IEP team recommended Kareem be placed in a residential program to address these issues. Since then we have heard a program has rejected his placement because he has not had acute care placement …show more content…

She responded by text to the teacher. Kareem is in need of medical treatment and needs to see a doctor. He needs intensive mental health treatment. The child's emotional state/behaviors are normally sad, suicidal, violent, and withdrawn. Both the teacher and administration have observed Kareem’s behavior. This is normal behavior and has been occurring since last school year, and since October of this school year. The Parent acknowledges in meetings and in conversations that Kareem has significant problems, but does not pursue treatment. The parent is aware that Kareem is suicidal. Risk assessment results were shared with the parent on more than one occasion. It is unknown if he has any suicidal plans or if he has ever attempted to commit suicide before. The parent has been advised to seek medical attention for the child. Referred to mental health facilities after risk assessments, but parent did not follow through with the advice. Kareem is special needs he is autistic but presents as delusional with frequent homicidal and suicidal ideation. His special needs is impacting his level of functioning, because he is repeating sixth grade and is currently in danger of failing

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