Kerry Washington has shown viewers that she can act in a variety of different movies such as drama, comedy and thriller. In my opinion Kerry Washington is one of the best actresses there is because you never know what to expect from her. She has won awards such as the GLAAD Media Vanguard Award, NAACP Image Awards for Outstanding Actress, BET Award for Best Actress, Glamour Award for International TV Actress and Teen Choice Award for Choice Movie Breakout Star. Kerry Washington has achieved her goal of becoming a successful actor and proving to herself and everyone else that with the hard work and determination she can act in any movie there is. I predict in the near future that Kerry Washington will star in more movies making herself go
In the motion picture Finding Forrester, the principle character's name is Jamal Wallace. Jamal Wallace goes to a secondary school where various individuals believe he's nothing than only a dark kid who plays ball. Matter of truth he is a virtuoso in his own psyche, and skilled at both b-ball, writing, and composing. All through the motion picture no one appears to see his real nature on the grounds that various individuals are always attempting to force him down in light of the fact that they simply surmise that he is only a dark startling kid who lives in the city and is just great at ball. There are three individuals in the film that have a tendency to cut Jamal down.
The Patriot. A person who is willing to fight for their country against enemies. The Patriot begins in the year 1776 in the colony of South Carolina. Mel Gibson plays a planation farmer who fought in the French-Indian war named Benjamin Martin. A War was about to begin and Benjamin wanted no share partaking in the soon-to-be American Revolutionary War. He was more concerned about his two eldest sons who wanted to fight under General George Washington. The beginning of the movie starts out with Benjamin Martin peacefully living with his kids whom no longer have a living mother. Benjamin’s oldest son, Gabriel, joins the war without permission from his father. As the rest of the family are at home one afternoon, Colonel William Travington burns the Martin Plantation to the ground and his second oldest son was killed immediately for interrupting Travington’s plan. Benjamin finds a way to seek revenge because of the rage he experiences after his family is hurt. He begins to realize that he needs to fight for his children and he will not do it alone. Both Benjamin and his oldest son, Gabriel, decide to join the militia as a way of showing what they are capable of. Throughout the film, Benjamin Martin becomes a soldier whom others respect and admire. He shows the militia what it means to truly care for not only his men, but also for his family. As the film progresses, a turn of events take place that show Benjamin’s continued want of revenge against General Charles Cornwallis. The Continentals and the militia soon commence the battle at Cowpens. This is when Benjamin Martin meets his enemy, Travington, who murdered his two eldest sons. After a drawn-out battle, Benjamin stabs Travington in the neck and kills him for the sake of his children. It is then that General Cornwallis retreats his forces and the rest celebrate. Even though some portions of The Patriot aren’t as accurate as we perceive, it is a film full of war and despair, but also a film that contributes to the importance of dignity and the love for one’s family.
We already brought you part one of our series on actress Kerry Washington. Since there is so much more to learn about this fantastic entertainer, here are few more facts.
Personally, I would rate the film, John Adams: Independence an M for moderately historically accurate because I felt that overall the film captured the true essence of the time, however left out a few significant events that had actually occured when our Founding Fathers were first striving for independence, giving the audience an uncomplete perspective. One way that I felt that the film was able to stay true to the authenticity of that time was in the manner the unity of the 13 colonies, or lack thereof, were manifested. In both the film and the article, I got the sense that the 13 colonies viewed themselves and the other states as individual groups of people: Virginians, New Yorkers, Pennsylvanians,
The film The War Room is a documentary about Bill Clinton that has very little to do with Bill Clinton himself. The primary focus of the film is devoted to the team of campaign strategists that got Clinton to the presidency. The two main players the film focuses on are James Carville--the Lead Strategist for the Clinton campaign and George Stephanopoulos the Communications Director. The film follows them and their team of campaign strategists and experts as they try to get Arkansas Governor, Bill Clinton, to the presidency. The documentary highlights many key moments in Clinton’s campaign, for example the Gennifer Flowers scandal. However, the film showcases what was happening behind closed doors in the War Room, where Clinton’s
The client is a 26 year old, single, male, African American. He is an active duty ship’s serviceman seaman serving in the United States Navy, aboard the USS Belleau Wood (LHA-3). Seaman (SN) Fisher is residing on board the USS Belleau Wood (LHA-3) that is permanently stationed at San Diego Naval Base, 32nd Street in California. SN Fisher was given orders to report to Navy Mental Health Services Department on base as Involuntary Command Referral for diagnosis and treatments, to get an evaluation and expert psychiatric recommendation about whether the service member is mentally fit to stay in the United States Navy. SN Fisher is unwilling to begin counseling,
The good lie is a movie about a refugee family from war ridden Sudan. They begin as children trying to fight for their lives on the way to safety, losing a brother along the way to a group of soldiers. When they finally reach the refugee camp they find: a safe place to stay, warm food, and new clothes. Shortly after their arrival they lose yet another brother. They patiently wait for a plane ticket out of Sudan, and after thirteen long years, they get their chance. They bored the plane excited to see what is in store only to find out their sister will not be staying with them. The three brothers depart from their sister with a lady named Carrie Davis. They face many new challenges together along with any
Good leaders ensure the world continues to advance. In contrast, bad leaders allow cruelty to spread and are often over controlling, taking away the freedom of their people. Richard Adams’s Watership Down is a story about rabbits trying to establish a warren, a society. Hazel, the main character of the book, has been informed that his warren is in danger. He leads a group of rabbits to try and start a new warren in a better environment, away from peril. While trying to find this location, Hazel and his rabbits stumble upon another warren, Efrafa. The secretive warren is led by a fierce rabbit, General Woundwort. Though Hazel and General Woundwort are both leaders, they lead in two distinct ways. Hazel and General Woundwort are drastically different leaders because they take power in contrasting ways, have incongruent methods of leadership, and view their role as leader differently.
The film, Hell or High Water, is aptly named. The phrase means a strong will to do something, regardless of any difficulties which may lie in the way. This is exactly the mindset of the two brothers in this crime thriller which takes place following the 2008 financial crisis. Through stereotypes, realism, and the struggle over representation, Hell or High Water shows that while people in West Texas may divide each other up by race and class, they are all united against the tyranny of the banks and large institutions.
Forrest Gump is one of the greatest movies of all time. It brings together many of the most relevant themes and controversial subjects in modern society. Including some of the most difficult subjects such as; discrimination, racism, war, hardcore drug use, mental trauma, as well as a disease epidemic.
In the film Green Mile, different sociological theories and concepts can be useful in considering how societies rule our behaviors in life within different cultural places and times. A theory developed by sociologist Emile Durkheim known as the functionalist perspective profoundly applies through out the film. Concepts that are also seen in the film includes: human agency, norms, folkways, mores, and master status with a few theories and concepts of deviance.
The Analysis of Saving Private Ryan by Steven Spielberg Analyse he methods used to make the opening sequence of ‘Saving
“Life is like a box of chocolate, you never know what you’re going to get” (Hanks). Many times when books are changed into movies they are done incorrectly. Forrest Gump is one of these examples. Forrest Gump, the novel, was written in 1986 by the author Winston Groom. The movie Forrest Gump was created by Paramount Pictures in 1994. Tom Hanks stars as the main character Forrest Gump. The movie portrayed Forrest Gump in a different way and as sometimes more innocent than his character in the book. This is shown in three different ways: Jenny and Forrest’s relationship, Characters’ drug use, and in the book Forrest is involved in more activities and adventures.
The movie Forrest Gump played by Tom Hank is a story about Forest Gump a simple man and his journey through life. Gump was simple minded and lived his life by a set of values taught to him by his mother (Sally Field). While Forest sat down waiting for a bus, he tells his story. Forest takes part in several defining historical moments such as the Vietnam War and the Watergate scandal and also had painful experiences. Despite his setbacks and naive nature, he struggles and triumphs in everything he did. Forrest developed a good self-esteem and self-concept with the help of his mother’s observation, love, and sincerity. With his mother and Jenny’s encouragements, he was able to overcome his physical handicap and become an outstanding runner among other things. This movie is an example of the how a child’s mind developed through series of stages. This paper shows the following key points; intellectual disability, Erickson’s intimacy vs isolation, low self-esteem, and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Medical ethics could be considered a really broad spectrum that dictates the healthcare system. Defined as a system of moral principles that apply values and judgments to the practice of medicine. This however, can become quite tricky when deciding what is morally correct to one person to another. The movie Patch Adams deals firsthand with an aspect of medical ethics. The movie displays Robin Williams as the main character, Patch Adams, as a medical student who believes treating patients with happiness is the best way to help them. (Patch Adams, Tom Shadyac)