In legal terms of our society, an individual is not an adult until eighteen years of age. Opposingly, I don't necessarily believe being an adult is all about someone’s age. Being an adult includes multiple characteristics, such as responsibility, maturity, and independence. For me, the key transitional moment into adulthood was passing my driving test and obtaining my license. After this moment I was obligated to take on the characteristics of an adult, especially when operating a vehicle.
Driving a car is no joke. Cars are powerful machines which, in the wrong hands, can be lethal weapons. As a driver, it is my responsibility to keep myself, as well as others safe. Driving requires me to be cognisant at all times and to be responsible
Another popular theory for being considered an adult is the legal voting age. In most countries the legal age is 18, including the United States. In Italy, however, you cannot vote for a senator until age
My grandmother was busy at the stove , presiding over a pan of stir fried vegetables that were being subjected to the fierce scrapes of her spatula. “ You must knead the dough with woman's hands and a woman's touch”, she instructed me over the piercing cry of the pressure cooker . I stopped and examined my hands , the same hands that had played with dolls only a few hours ago .
Whenever an individual is diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), the individual and the family members often wonder what the future holds for them, and the diagnosed individual. Although there is no statistical evidence on the life expectancy for the community of people with ASD, most premature deaths that do occur are related to the lack of care in an institution, infection, and/or poor medical supervision (Van Hecke, 2010). Premature deaths can also be linked to suicide by individuals in the ASD community, often those with a less severe version of the disorder. Suicide can most commonly occur when the individual develops a mental illnesses, often as the cause of a disconnect from society. Common mental illnesses associated with ASD
Driving a vehicle is a very complex activity that demands proper decision-making, total concentration, good co-ordination and rapid reflexes. In order to drive safely, it is essential to be alert, aware and able to make quick decisions in response to a constant rapidly changing environment.
A quote often used by the older adults and said to the younger adults,“When you become a teenager, you step onto a bridge. You may already be on it. The opposite shore is adulthood. Childhood lies behind. The bridge is made of wood. As you cross, it burns behind you” (Gail Carson Levine, Writing Magic: Creating Stories that Fly). A person is an adult and no longer a child when he or she is responsible for their actions. Even when they are responsible are they truly mucher? There is no telling whether a person is an adult at 18 or 21, it's no one's chose but your brains.
The transition to adulthood always seemed to be some momentous or celebratory event; something which everyone should be able to look forward to. While that's what is brought to mind when the transition is brought up, that isn't always the reality. I became an adult more than ever as a 15-year-old in the second semester of my freshman year.
The age that you are considered an adult is eighteen. What should be the legal age, though? What would be the effect of changing it? I think you should at least be eighteen to be counted as an adult.
All kids could become an adult at different ages due to when they're able to go on by themselves and not be watched over and tolerated by their parents. The average age that kids become adults are mostly at their early 20’s. Early 20’s is an important age span for young adults. Kids at the early ages of 20’s are allowed to drink, marry, drive, move out, and have a job to make money and provide for themselves.
It comes as no surprise, in that, people should be considered adults at the age of 18 by reason of legally speaking, being considered an adult and additionally, I don’t think a few people should be considered adults at the age of 18. I believe being considered an adult could perhaps depend on your level of development, mixed with your preceding insight on life skills. I suspect it fluctuates from person to person as every person develops variously throughout life. During the thought-provoking time of emerging adulthood, young individuals generally have the ability mettle into the level of education that will aid them throughout the remainder of their working adult lives. For various people this is a time of transformation and intensified changes
One can make adult decisions at age 18. At age 18, one becomes an adult and is allowed to do a lot of things that one couldn't do at any other age. Alcohol consumption can interfere with development of the young
What does it mean to be an adult? Does accountability make a person an adult? Does learning and improving on past experiences make someone an adult? Will caring for one’s self make somebody an adult? These are all small pieces to the puzzle but there is more to an adult then being a self-reliant, hardworking individual that pays their bills on time. In my opinion, you can be sixteen years old and be classified as an adult or twenty eight years old and not be an adult. Being an adult means that you are responsible, mature, and independent.
There are many factors that constitute being an adult. An adult is much more than turning the age of 18. The definition in the dictionary states an adult means being completely grown: fully developed and mature. I think there is much more that defines an adult. In the United States an adult is considered to be someone who takes responsibility of themselves and their actions. An adult has stability in their life and is able to take care of themselves physically, mentally, financially and emotionally. In other countries and cultures there definition of an adult differs.
In the US, legal adulthood comes at 18, but it is my understanding that adulthood comes through responsibility, tears, laughter, and most of all: independence and accomplishments. From personal experience, independence is the first step to many things such as careers. My greatest accomplishment was getting my first job.
Driving a car is a big responsibility that many teens look forward to having. It is a long and tedious process to get your license but it is well worth it. Sitting behind the wheel of a car can be thrilling and exciting to new drivers. Driving also can be very risky if people do not follow certain rules and guidelines. The rules and regulations are set in place to make driving as safe and smooth as possible. It is the driver’s responsibility to follow the rules otherwise the consequences can be deadly.
When do you actually become an adult? There are legal terms that qualify someone as an adult, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that they act like one. I think being an adult means, being able to support yourself; as in having a steady paying job, and most importantly being accountable to yourself. Being able to make your own decisions without asking a parent or model figure first, is an example of having an identity status of a moratorium. One with this type of mindset as a young adult, will weigh their options and consider their values and what they believe themselves, whether it’s their own thought branched off of their parents guidance, or it is completely their own idea and they explore to see what their views are. On the other hand, for some, they rely on their parents approval, they may have an idea or opinion about a topic, but they will ask a parent or model figure in their life to seek guidance. The young adult wants the security of having the approval of a decision and being told what to do and pointed what direction to go towards. This is essentially making the decision for them. This type of identity status if called foreclosure.