
Kids Are A Victim Of Bullying

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1 in 7 Students in Grades K-12 is either a bully or a victim of bullying. Some parents are worried about changes, needs, and risk factors for their kids ages ten to fourteen. Kids are going to go through emotional and physical changes, like puberty. Some young teens are even at risk for depression and behavioral issues, including breaking the law. Other young teens may have certain needs. Well, all young teens have needs that need to be met!
Young teens are going through such dramatic changes; it’s normal for them to swing from being happy to being sad or from feeling smart to feeling dumb. They may worry about personal traits that are vital to them, but hardly noticeable to others. With a growing ability to see the consequences of different actions, tweens and young teens are increasingly considering who they are and who they may become. They are more able to think like adults, but they don’t have the experience and judgment needed to act like adults. It’s important to help them recognize that. Your reassurance and acceptance are especially important at this time, as is your tween or teen’s growth in school and community activities. Strong support will help them develop the confidence they need to make healthy choices.
These may be some physical and emotional changes you should look out for. This is the age when kids need to start using deodorant and learning more personal hygiene. Some go overboard and spend hours in the bathroom. Others resist, refusing to bathe. Puberty

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