
Essay about Killer Coke

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KILLER COKE: THE CAMPAIGN AGAINST COCA-COLA Case Summary The “Killer Coke” case revolves around to brutal murders of union leaders in a bottling plant in Colombia and the corporate responsibility of the Coca-Cola Company. The Killer Coke movement alleges that the Coca-Cola Company directed or was implicitly involved in the killings to ensure that unions were broken in the Colombian plants. The obvious legal ramifications are that contract killings took place at the plant. The more subtle ethical issue is even if Coca-Cola didn’t explicitly order the killings, did they knowingly ignore the grave working conditions that faced the people working in their plant. Ray Roger’s is leads a movement against Coca-Cola, calling for a ban of all …show more content…

Data Collection and Interpretation Much of the irrelevant data focused on other companies, such as Nike, and their sweatshops. While relevant in the sense that other companies don’t always monitor and sometimes cover up working conditions in other countries, the underlying case revolves around the brutality of the paramilitary forces in Colombia and whether Coke was complicit in the murders. The remaining materials that could have been omitted were the history of Colombia and the discussion of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia. While providing a brief view in to the history of violence in Colombia, it had no direct barring in this case. There also was relevant data that had little bearing on the case. For example, while the effect of the university bans on the Coca-Cola product could be construed as social revolt against the company’s products for its international practices, the effect on the legal outcome was non-existent and Coke continues to be a very profitable company with bottling plants largely unchanged in Colombia. Critical Ethical and Legal Issues Individual As mentioned, there are certainly individuals with culpability in this case. The first being Mosquera who was the plant manager that allegedly announced he would do everything possible to disband

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