
Kimley-Horn's On-Board Process Analysis

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As one of the major daily duties I took over for the entire Mountain region while interning at Kimley-Horn was the on-board process. Starting with the initial acceptance of the candidates offer letter, I would begin a three step process checklist known as: on-boarding information and checklist, one/two weeks from their start day, and first day. With the initial acceptance letter of the candidate, I created a new hire checklist and folder that allowed me to effectively organize and display important information with my team at a glance notice. The cover of the folder labeled the candidates basic information from name, title, start date, FLSA status, part-time/full-time, classification of career ladder, utilization percent, organization/discipline, …show more content…

This step also allowed me to provide a crucial link between the upcoming employee and our Human Resource team by being able to provide them help and guidance to a new life event in starting a career with Kimley-Horn. Next, I would add the new hire to a weekly staff update that would be viewable to our senior leaders within the region. Allowing our senior leaders, the availability to see someone new coming on-board allows our firm to act as a holistic entity. An optional step I also built into this checklist, was to coordinate with our marketing, IS, and payroll if we the new hire was a senior level employee coming on-board. Our senior new hires needed to be completely integrated into our HRIS and have all tools readily available on day one to win work if need be. This optional step I added allowed for a seamless integration for our senior …show more content…

Along with concluding their background and drug test before hire. One key part of the new hire orientation was to build a new hire packet and map to success. The new hire packet was a all encompassing booklet that allowed the new hire to use as a practical applications to reference setting up their phone, using the computer software, payroll information, office information, and we also included culture integration task within the book to help them learn more about the company (lunch coupons to take out other employees and 50 dollar gift cards to the Kimley-Horn company store). The map to success was a template for first day orientation scheduling that was made with few tailored changed to meet each candidates needs from a training perspective and team meetings. Both the map to success and the new hire orientation booklet were something I had to tailor if the hire was full time or part time as well as change training material for different disciplines and levels within the

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