
Knock Liberal Argumentative Analysis

Decent Essays

Now i know the vast majority of people I'm friends with on Facebook are in the same pool of thought on all of this as me but I just needed to write this - apologize in advance for it being long but trust me, it's a worthwhile read smile emoticon I just made the mistake of reading self-proclaimed "intelligent, thoughtful, fact-filled and emotional" opinions on how this is the end of times, that the Supreme Court is pushing the Liberal agenda to make us all into bestiality and how God has set the laws and we are going against them. I'm all for intelligent discourse - but this is fucking ridiculous on most counts. Should the Supreme Court have made a ruling on Marriage? No - Marriage is in its own right a religious entity. But here's the problem …show more content…

The SC decided this went against the 14th amendment in what is basically unequal treatment, same logic of why I can't refuse ot hire someone because they are female or black. That's the legal standpoint - but I have an announcement to the conservative, religious individuals who will insist on calling me a "fucking liberal" for these comments. If what is happening in this country is truly wrong, truly against the will of God and us satanical liberals have invaded the very fabric of America's legislative and judiciary systems to push our anti-god agenda, then bask in the glory that we are wrong and you are right. Damnation will befall all of us and you will not be forced to co-exist with us in your heavenly plane while we experience eternal suffering in hell. Please - just accept that you are right. Congratulations, you've pointed out the flaws and can smile and cheer knowing you are right. You're better than us liberals and you deserve that - so now, can …show more content…

THE FUCK. UP Bask in silent mockery of our world because I'm absolutely sick of this shit. Congrats - this was the straw to break the camels back, the one point you had to stand on as the pinnacle decision that liberals are ruining America because it must be completely on us - I mean, when conservatives are in charge, America is the best fucking country on Earth right? I mean the world doesn't hate us, we don't have a political system that hasn't had an effective legislative branch in almost 30 years and we aren't becoming unbelievably corrupt NEWS FLASH - AMERICA SUCKS. It sucks to such a degree that when looking at public perceptions of corruption, the US ranks up there with North Korea. The only element we are "top" in is military spending. People are dying, starving, cannot find work, be able to pay their bills or get a life-saving or extending surgery. Shootings have gone rampant, suicides and homicides are increasing among minority groups (basically, anyone who isn't male and white is fucked) - but please make sure we expend all of our effort on stopping two men from getting married because that's really the main

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