
Laissez Faire And Transformational Leadership Styles Essay

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Comparatively, Laissez-faire leadership is a great contrast to transactional and transformational leadership styles as defined by Cherry, K. (2016) Laissez-faire leadership, also known as delegative leadership, is a type of leadership style in which leaders are hands-off and allow group members to make the decisions. Because of this, researchers have found that this is generally the leadership style that leads to the lowest productivity among group members. Laissez-faire is often characterised by: very little guidance from leaders, complete freedom for followers to make decisions, leaders provide the tools and resources needed, group members are expected to solve problems on their own and finally, power is handed over to followers, yet leaders still take responsibility for the group’s decisions and actions.
Strengths and weaknesses of leadership styles
Effectiveness is essential with leadership styles and theories, so knowing the strengths and weaknesses is of vital importance, this is why they have been thoroughly studied and tested by scientists and academics alike due to its importance in the success of the organisation. Bass and colleagues of his, have disputed that transactional leadership is a vital precondition if transformational leadership is to be effective (Avolio, 1999). By providing direction and focus, transactional leadership makes the use of transformational behaviors less confusing and ambiguous. From a somewhat abstract perspective, Podsakoff, Bommer and

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