
Language: My Personal Statement Of The English Language

Decent Essays

English Language Personal Statement

Gregarious, approachable, and understanding - words that could be used to describe me; all words that can be associated with ‘language’. I love English. It’s always been the subject I have achieved most in, and the subject I’ve always found the most interesting and inspiring throughout school. In many ways, it has shaped my view on life and the world within which I live.

I have grown to appreciate the huge power language has on society as well as the fascinating ways individuals acquire language. Drawn to Chomsky and the theory of ‘innatism’, I strongly agree that we are born with a set of existing language rules and that learning a language, is inevitable. I am applying for this course as I am captivated by differing society’s exposure to, and influence by, the everyday use of media and communications.

Studying English Language and Psychology at A level has permitted me to broaden my critical thinking and analytical skills. Both subjects entail the ability to integrate information and inject reason and logic to form an argument. My studies require me to be both spontaneous and …show more content…

The trek was physically exhausting and emotionally challenging due to the extreme poverty encountered, however the delight on the children’s faces when we completed renovating their new nursery school was worth the blisters, sleepless nights and heartache endured over the two weeks. The ability to work as part of a large and small team at times; thrive outside of my comfort zone and achieve a successful and positive outcome was incredibly rewarding and taught me a lot about myself. I know I have the ability to push myself and be a successful self-manager - I was awarded female with the most determination on the trip, something I have taken great pride

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