A reading that I would assign for the class is called iDisorder: Understanding our obsession with technology and overcoming its hold on us by Larry Rosen, Ph.D. I would assign this reading because it addresses the “disorders” that one has because of technology. Each chapter points out a different disorder, uses an example of our everyday interactions that are related, and some of the signs and symptoms associated with each disorder. It is also a simple text that is very easy to read so it would be very doable to say that someone can and should be able to read a chapter a week. There are also pages that are filled with statistics and charts to supplement the reading that makes it easier to digest. An assignment that I would seek would be a close reading and analysis of the “iDisorder” that we all have, due to our own excessive usage of technology. For example, technology promotes narcissistic behaviors, such as tweeting about yourself every day (me forming), and referring to your “haters” as does you believe to be envious of you. If someone is ever guilty of any of the disorders that are mentioned in the book, such as “phantom vibration” syndrome, or believing that your phone is vibrating and thinking someone is reaching out to you, even when your phone isn’t in your pocket, it would be a great idea to have students more aware. …show more content…
We can survey the class and see who has ever experienced some of the symptoms associated with the disorder and how they have attempted to combat it, if even at all. We can also find out who is even aware that they are suffering from any
Reflect on the information from an article you find on the Internet or elsewhere that relates to the topic. Select ONE article and write your reactions, thoughts, and experiences related to the article. As long as the article is somewhat related to our class topics, or to technology generally, it will be fine.
Choosing one of the case studies that you developed within your group during the class, explain the cause of the person’s symptoms and construct an hypnoanalysis treatment plan and required outcome.
With informational technology such as laptops, tablets, kindles, and iPads being more and more prominent in education like high school and college, it opens many doors to new possibilities of learning. Now it obviously has some negative outcomes like bullying and students being unable to acquire certain technology for school, but these negative situations all have solutions to make them positive. Informational technology lets students connect with teachers in new ways outside of just the classroom.
For this week, I was required to read chapter 5, 6, and 7 in the "A history of the personal computer: the people and the technology " online book. This week's reading was much more easier and understandable than last week's readings. These chapters were about computer companies in the 1970s and what they did. It was interesting to read about these computer companies' humble beginnings. It was especially interesting because the two biggest computer companies right now, Microsoft and Apple, were so thoroughly covered in the chapters. Aside from that, I was able to read about flow charting by Bill Streib, who did a great job in explaining it. Even though the paper was mostly filled with pictures and diagrams, it was still a good read. I was also able to read about pseudo code, and find out about it's advantages and disadvantages. After reading and testing pseudo code and flowcharts, I feel that I would be more in the pseudo code camp. Personally pseudo code is easier for me.
Many of our students have smartphones, laptops, and tablets they use throughout the school day for school work. While some students depend on their devices to look up the current fashion trends and football stats, we feel that technology has also enabled students to think in a different way. Many students are quick on their feet to Google information to prove their friend wrong, send texts and emails in less than 10 seconds, and get excited when they are allowed to use their
With it, I planned a discussion based on how technology affects our daily lives; this brought awareness to both the positive and negative effects of our devices. Lastly, I lead a no-technology lunch. Students put their phones in a “phone jail” and participated in interactive activities throughout campus. I got the librarian to shut down all the computers for lunch, the chess club to host chess competitions, and the book club to host a reading session. I also set up coloring stations, a jump rope section, a foursquare area, and a ball pit. With these activities, students completely disconnected from their devices and connect with others around
We can’t forget about the problems that arise from the new form of technology. New problems are developing along with the advancing technology. Harassment, Sexting, Cheating on tests, Car Accidents, Invasion of privacy, the list could go on forever. Cell phones are not allowed in many places. Waiting rooms, movies, school, ect.
This idea that the physical action of such seemingly meaningless tasks makes me want to leave my phone aside for the few hours I spend at school, learning and enriching my mind. These articles have clarified for me that the negative outcomes of technology in learning prevent my mind from absorbing knowledge. My academic work, whether it be in high school or college, will constantly deteriote if I let technology overpower my ability to think and learn. It is not even the fact that the use of technology will probably lower my grades, but the possibility of not growing or learning makes me realize that the consequences of technology use in the classrom are some that I will avoid and prevent by allowing myself to use my senses and knowledge to gain new ideas and experiences. Such implicaitons are ones that I wish to not face and will do so by simply setting my phone aside to learn, and by letting go of the temptation that technology can be, in such a modern, tech-savy
Some psychologists and scientists believe, “It is a neurobiological disorder of great complexity; it is a disorder with a genetic pedigree; it is a disorder in which environmental conditions can exacerbate or ameliorate the symptoms; it is a disorder which has considerable impact on the life’s of those diagnosed with it, but also those who live/work/study/interact with someone diagnosed with the disorder; it is a disorder which can in many cases be treated; it is a disorder that is most likely going to persist into adulthood; it is a disorder which often seen with other disorders; and it is a disorder that requires further research for greater understanding.”
By learning more about this disorder, we can help people with it and understand what they are going through.
know when it is appropriate to use technology and when it is not. Students will not be
This topic is important because many teens continue to feel alone and suffer from these illnesses. By teaching about them, we can create an awareness and hope.
Technology ought not to be utilized as an approach to keep students possessed. A little number of computers or gadgets in a classroom can be a welcoming focus, whether it is a relegated or a picked toward oneself one. In the event that you utilize technology as a part of thusly, pick astutely when you choose what the students will do with the technology. There are a lot of people, numerous inventive choices accessible. It ought not to be just to keep students occupied while you work with little gatherings of
Technology has revolutionized the human experience by changing the way one learns. Technology can best be defined as a tool that supports and promotes human learning. This can be seen through the usage of calculators, tablets (example: iPad), Smart Boards, video cameras, and, of course, the computer. These are all innovations that can have a profound impact on classroom learning. Although there are some schools that have a strict policy that technology should be removed from the modern day classroom, other schools believe that integrating technology into the classroom helps prepare our students for the elaborate world they will face going forward. Throughout this essay, I will be focusing on the technology policy and how it has a positive
Additionally, information will contribute to the reduction of adverse attitude and beliefs that people harbor about the various conditions. The fact there people have little or no information at all is what results in discrimination levels to those with these mental conditions. Presentation of events will help to explain the doubts and the myths as well as the beliefs that people hold that prevent them from interacting with others (Gronholm et al., 2017). Therefore, through education, people will get to understand that various mental conditions observed among the identified groups cannot be spread through interaction that may include touch, therefore,