
Leadership Development among College-aged Students

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Introduction (overview)
This paper was focused on student governance bodies in postsecondary institution. Student leadership development is regarded as a priority at current higher education institutions (Boatman, 1999; Astin & Astin, 2000; Robert, 2003b). From the study, the researcher found that the relationship between student government with campus offices and administrators was horrible. Therefore, the study was to determine how college students perceived their role in student governance at their higher education institution.

Main Body
Leadership training program is becoming more and more common in the modern-day of higher education institutions. The positive effects on students’ character development and value have been found in leadership education (Astin & Antonio, 2004). Participating in the leadership development program was related to the students how to make the moral and ethical decisions (Astin & Antonio, 2004). Leadership development activities can be found in clubs and organizations, classes and also community service. Nevertheless, no matter in what organization, serving in leadership roles allows students to interact with others and to develop new skills.

There is 3 themes which are institution can improve leadership development among college-aged students included change, organizational responsibility and cultivating leadership. First, institution should creating changes and bringing new ideas to campus. For example, the chancellor of an institution

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