
Leadership Qualities Of A Leader

Good Essays

A Leader A leader is a person who guides a group with through a situation. A leader’s actions and words will determine his or her reputation as a leader. Good leaders possess similar characteristics, such as strong organizational skill, trustworthy, approachable and a visionary. A good leader has the ability to use his or her team members’ strengths to enhance a group’s productivity. Along with being able to successfully manage groups of people, a good leader must possess the ability to inspire, encourage, challenge and support the people around them. Under good leadership people will rise to challenge and surpass expectations. Throughout my 12 years of teaching, I have encountered many leaders, some great and some with subpar abilities to lead. While I always strive to maintain a consistently high level of teaching each year, I know my teaching level and skills definitely increased under great leadership. Skills I obtained while working with great leaders has provided me with knowledge that I have been able to retain and utilize when relocating from one location of the country to another. Good Leader During my five years at a small California school district, I had the privilege to work for an amazing superintendent. The superintendent, Steven Ventura, had all the traits of a good leader. He was extremely approachable, knowledgeable, visible, organized and a visionary. While working for Mr. Ventura, I always felt inspired, challenged, encouraged and supported.

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