
Leadership Styles And Purposes Leadership

Decent Essays

Essay 1.[LO 1] Process, Practices and Purposes Leadership
Answer 1:
Leadership clearly defines as the action of leading a group of people or an organization, or ability to lead.
Here I discuss two styles of leadership that is:
• Autocratic Leadership
• Participative Leadership
Below I discuss each style in details with example
1. Autocratic Leadership
This style of leadership is described by controlling the individuals of the team over all choices and little contribution from the team leader in the association. This authority style has gotten to be something of a vestige in today 's modern conditions for businesses. The reason for this is because most of the representatives work better without the bossiness of their supervisor around …show more content…

2. Participative Leadership:

This style of leadership builds up a cheerful way of going through the strategies for a business to work. The supervisors with participative style back-off and permit their team member to tap their inventively and think freely, while as yet keeping up enough control to direct the general vision of groups without forcing their own vision on their choices. To put it plainly, leaders give them a considerably more prominent lead and are all the more trusting of choices. It enhances the comprehension of issues required by the individuals who must complete their choices. Certain individuals are more dedicated to activities where they have included in the significant leadership. Participative managers are not so much aggressive but rather more community oriented when taking a shot at joint objectives. At the point when managers settle on choices made by the team and all agreed on that together, the social duty to each other is more prominent and subsequently expands their dedication to the choice. A few people choosing together settle on preferred choices over one individual alone.

Example: Donald Trump The personality itself seen as more of a dictator rather than an executive, Trump

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