
Learning Differences: National Teacher Dispositions

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National Teacher Dispositions The job of being a teacher is not only challenging in the aspect of having to effectively teach students material and do such in a great learning environment, but teachers also have standards that they must practice to ensure that they are creating good learning environments for their students. Just as there are learning standards for the teachers to teach the students, there are standards that the teachers must learn before become truly effective teachers. Standard #1: Learner Development. This standard is basically focused on the getting the teacher to understand the fact that they will not have a room of the same learners; they must realize that they will have to contour the classroom and teaching styles …show more content…

This standard, much like the one before, touches on the fact that there will be different types of students in the classroom. Whether it be different learning speeds/abilities, or that each student will most likely be from different places with different cultural backgrounds; the teacher will have to be aware of these differences and teach accordingly. Failure to be mindful of these things can not only result in learning problems for the students, but it may also create problems for the teacher. With older groups a teacher may say something offensive or culturally sensitive during a lecture which could result in upsetting the students then complaints from parents. Standard #3: Learning Environments. As I previously stated in my introduction, the teacher is responsible for creating a positive learning environment, this standard states exactly such. The teacher should create an environment where the students not only learn individually but together or “collaboratively” as stated in the standard. Personally, I think a good learning environment is just one where the students are always engaged with the teacher, the classroom is colorful and welcoming, and the relationship between the teacher and students is a positive and close

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