
Legacy Of Secrets Theme

Decent Essays

Love is an essential part of human emotions and is the most powerful emotion a human being can experience, yet every person experiences love differently. Love is a variety of relationships, different feelings, states, and attitudes. Love can be a source of and answer to conflicts and obstacle in stories. A story would not be a story without love.
The book I read was The Legacy of Secrets by Ridley Pearson. It is the second book in a trilogy which takes the characters from the Kingdom Keepers novel series and sends five present day teenagers, each with their own special talents, back in time to the opening day of Disneyland in 1955. Finn Whitman, Charlene Turner, Terrence Maybeck, Willa Di Angelo, and Dell Philby enter and experience a time …show more content…

Their love for Disney is shown in how the characters react when they see Walter Elias Disney for the first time; “Finn starred in awe.” (p11). Finn is the reluctant leader of the Kingdom Keepers Disney Host Interactive (DHI) team. As the protagonist, he has quick wit, courage and is a great problem solver responding creatively to danger. His love for his fellow DHI’s is shown through compassionate and affectionate actions towards the others making his leadership respected and depended upon by the other Kingdom Keepers. Finn’s romantic love interest in the story is Amanda Lockhart, one of three Fairlies, who are young women in Disney’s School of Imagineering. She herself, has magical powers of her own. Finn demonstrates his love by taking risks to carve a message from the past to Amanda on her window frame. Upon seeing the initials appear on the window frame, Amanda shows her love by the tearful emotional response to the message, “she looked over at Jess, tears in her eyes.”(p184). This relationship creates trust as well as

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