
Lesson Plan Artifact

Decent Essays

The Lesson Plan artifact includes three FEAPs competencies, which are Competency 2, Competency 1, and Competency 3. Competency 2 addresses the Learning Environment as follows: Knowledge of appropriate student-centered learning environment. The lesson plan involves a tremendous amount of information and work. As an educator when creating a lesson plan, one will need to decide the best delivery method of the lesson plan taking into consideration the learning environment, perhaps using to delivery methods. It is imperative to create an environment that is student centered appropriate learning atmosphere maximizing the students’ academic potential and success. Communication is an important key in creating an effective lesson plan. The teacher recognizes the standards they want to address and will develop a technique to ensure the objectives and goals for the lesson will be accomplished. Each student learns differently and it is up to the teacher to recognize those variations and adapt the lesson plan accordingly to include the needs and background of all the students in the class. Identifying the …show more content…

Competency 2 addresses the Learning Environment as follows: Knowledge the appropriate student-centered learning environment. Having an effective behavior management plan in practice will help in creating a safe learning environment for all students in the class. Recognizing any potential behavioral issues that may occur, having specific strategies in place to manage those potential behavioral issues in advance. Communicating the behavioral expectations of the students and implementing classroom rules and procedures will provide the student the necessary information to manage their behavior appropriately. The behavior management plan allows the teacher to plan for and any type of behavior in any given situation. Maintaining a safe learning environment is essential for the

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