
Lesson : The Collection And The Collector Found Object Art

Decent Essays

The Lesson was “The Collection & The Collector Found Object Art “
At 7:29 am the teacher shows on the overhead a slide with a picture of individual objects, spray paint can, a box and hot glue gun. Then the teacher changed the slide, on the left side of the slide there are objects hot glued to a box in an artistic way. On the right side of the slide, you can see the box with the objects has been spray painted. The teacher then says “today we will be unifying all of the objects with spray painting”.

After making the remark “we will be unifying all of the objects with spray painting” the teacher asked the students to write your name on the note card that was given out at the beginning of class. Then write three most important spraying …show more content…

The teacher at that point provides an example by shaking the can, leaning down and sprays the paint on black paper.

The teacher also says “when you spray to make sure you are at a distance where the paint is not wasted”. Once all of the instructions are explained and examples are provided students are given the opportunity to finish setting up their work area. As soon as all workspaces are set up the students start to turn in their note card with the rules to the teacher in return for a can of spray paint.

When the students start spray painting their project the teacher frequently reminds the students of the safety rules. The students also reminded each other the safety rules “remember to walk around”.

For the duration of the activity 18 out of 20 students are working on spraying their projects. The teacher walks from one student work area to another checking to see if all of the students have their gloves and masks on. While walking around the teacher communicates to the students to take a break in between spraying about 30 seconds

Teacher reminds students 3 to four-time to take a break.
Student takes a break and continues to spray paint.

The teacher tells the student to take a break and take your time we have SDS to finish.
Near the end of the spraying painting lesson, one of the students in the class starts feeling bad. The teacher had an alternative spot an alternative assignment for the student to

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