For the purpose of this assignment I will explain the main role and responsibilities as a teacher or trainer in education or training context. My main role as a teacher or trainer is to identify learners’ needs, Planning learning, facilitating learning, this can be done through interview, communicating with others and assessing learner progress. Interview: interview is one of the way to have a direct communication with learners, the interview can be done in different ways, through assessment, face-to-face. By then you can identified the needs and how you can approach it by planning learning, if it’s something that you can’t deal with it, you can referred the learner to a different organisation this can be internal or external, for example, you just had an interview with a learner , that has a difficulty to speak or to understand the language, you will directly understand that the learner has a language …show more content…
Related to my role as a teacher, I have to make sure that learner have to be safe in leaning environment, I must prevent, remove or use with precaution anything that wouldn’t affect the learner’s health and safety. If the student are doing some kind of test in a science lab, we must make sure there is nothing on the floor, all the bag and chairs have to be remove an put in safe place, they have to use gloves if necessary and wear a goggle for eyes protection, and always wash hands at the end of session. Protection of Children Act
Teachers prepare lessons and try to make them as interesting as possible. They prepare homework assignments and assessments. They ensure that the information they pass on is current and correct to the best of their
Before starting any activity it is important that you take into account the health and safety requirements of all pupils, ensuring that the environment is free of any hazards and that pupils will be able to work/play safely.
The establishment of a health and safe environment is essential for the work of the school. It is also a law. It depends upon sound management, vigilant supervision and the co-operation of all children and adults.
The boundaries between the teaching role and other professional roles including points of referral to meet the needs of learners
The class teachers’ main role is to monitor and assess pupils’ achievement. They need to be aware of the progression made by all the children in their class and be able to report back to both the parents and other staff. As a Teaching assistant my main role is to support the class teacher whilst this ongoing assessment of pupils takes place. The teacher can measure the progress of each pupil by carrying out lessons and setting the children clear objectives. At the start of each lesson so that the children are clear about the objectives the class teacher writes
Supporting the curriculum is also one of my roles. Under the guidance of a classroom teacher I will understand the theories of learning. I will be aware of the development process in learning and any difficulties, the factors that affect pupils and how each national strategy works, including national numeracy and national literacy.
There should be first aid kits in every classroom for safety and preparation of teacher’s confidence toward safety. Supervision is important however, it helps with children and teacher’s safety. Teacher’s should check any equipment at least three times a week to make sure everything is a safe environment for children. If emergency is at extreme levels there should be an emergency preparation plan in every daycare or public school
A teaching assistant plays an important role for the standards of behaviour expected in the classroom.
The main role of a teacher/trainer should be to teach in a way which engages learners and actively engage learning during every lesson irrespective of the environment. In my position as IT manager at Barnsley College there are roles and responsibilities that are set to facilitate personal and organisational goals the same can be said for teaching and learning. As a teacher/trainer I will need to be able to adapt my style of teaching by being a friend, counsellor, mentor to ensure that my learners are
As a teacher/trainer, there are certain roles and responsibilities that you have when it comes to the needs of learners. Teachers/trainers should look to the teaching and learning cycle as this contains an outline
"Health and safety in a school is about taking a sensible and proportionate approach to ensure the premises provide a healthy and safe place for all who use them, including the school work force, visitors and pupils." (HSE Health and Safety checklist for classrooms - August 2011)
The teacher’s role is to value all of their learners as individuals and to treat them equally and to create stimulating and effective opportunities within the class that enable the development and progression of all students. The
Risk assessment forms to be done before taking children outside. Any spillages to be mopped or swept up as soon as possible. By being a good role model for all children when using equipment for example carrying scissors or sharp objects safely. I Help and encourage the children to learn for themselves and be involved in health and safety issues, such as wiping up spillages them self, putting broken items in the bin or taking them to a teacher, I frequently remind children of the importance of this so no one gets injured. I make sure there are enough tissues boxes around the classroom to ensure all children wipe their own nose or help them to do so if necessary; disposing of tissues by putting them in the bin themselves. I promote hand washing
My role is to guide students and to provide access to information rather than acting as the primary source of information. The students will obtain greater knowledge when they search to find their own answers to their questions. Within an education setting, students should be continually encouraged to solve problems like those they will encounter outside of school. This instills in them the skills necessary to become flexible problem solvers in preparation for their adult lives. For students to construct knowledge, they need the opportunity to discover for themselves and practice skills in authentic situations. Providing students access to hands-on activities and allowing adequate time and space to use materials that reinforce the lesson being studied creates an opportunity for individual discovery and construction of knowledge to occur.