
1.1 Explain The Role And Responsibilities Of A Learner

Decent Essays

For the purpose of this assignment I will explain the main role and responsibilities as a teacher or trainer in education or training context. My main role as a teacher or trainer is to identify learners’ needs, Planning learning, facilitating learning, this can be done through interview, communicating with others and assessing learner progress. Interview: interview is one of the way to have a direct communication with learners, the interview can be done in different ways, through assessment, face-to-face. By then you can identified the needs and how you can approach it by planning learning, if it’s something that you can’t deal with it, you can referred the learner to a different organisation this can be internal or external, for example, you just had an interview with a learner , that has a difficulty to speak or to understand the language, you will directly understand that the learner has a language …show more content…

Related to my role as a teacher, I have to make sure that learner have to be safe in leaning environment, I must prevent, remove or use with precaution anything that wouldn’t affect the learner’s health and safety. If the student are doing some kind of test in a science lab, we must make sure there is nothing on the floor, all the bag and chairs have to be remove an put in safe place, they have to use gloves if necessary and wear a goggle for eyes protection, and always wash hands at the end of session. Protection of Children Act

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