Dear Santa, I know it seems that I have done some bad things in my life but you just don't know what really happened. As
Darth Vader ( not one of BIGGEST FANS I mean you are incredible man traveling the world in one night) the Dark Side has asked me to plead our case that we are not guilty of anything bad not just for me but for my other fellow workers. I hope this one shot deal thing will help the Dark Side and me out. Below is a list of explanations of the so called bad things we have done. First, I turned to Darth Vader not on purpose but I just wanted to save Padme. If you knew Mrs.Claus was going to die wouldn't you have done the same? You probably would have wanted to learn the magic spell that only the Dark Side knew
I received a call from Mr Hector Garcia who had questions about a letter received from OPAR.regarding a SNAP overpayment imposed to his son David. He stated that his son is mentally disabled and he is his social security benefits representative.
This letter is not written to say that Laquan King is perfect; “none of us are perfect”; it is of prayer and faith that it is accepted with an open heart. I’m aware of his current unfortunate situation. However, I’m writing this letter to express my experiences with Laquan; who have always been responsible, respectful and caring towards me.
My name is Taylor Howell and I attend Sanford High school in Hockessin, Delaware. I have just recently read one of your top novels Foul Trouble. Foul Trouble was such a suspenseful book but yet a life lesson teaching novel that I would encourage any teenager to read. Foul Trouble was about a star basketball player named Terrell Jamerson. He is one of the best in the nation for high school basketball with his teammate and best friend Danny Wilcox who is also shining with him but feels not appreciated. They try to get through the popularity and the gates of being caught with narcotics this could make Terrell and Danny not eligible to be recruited by colleges and change their lives for the worst. However, Danny is caught in the shadows of Terrell and it makes Danny feel as though he is not as important as Terrell on the court. I was looking for a book that would teach life lessons and also have a very vigorous climax and foul trouble was the perfect match. I would never have thought that Foul Trouble would have that powerful of an effect on me as it did and how that one false step could change your whole career.
The Vietnam War was undeniably huge loss for the United States. This is confirmed by the tens of thousands loss of American men, the excessive period of time it occurred, and it being seemingly unwarranted. The general public protested against the United States’ participation in the Vietnam War. A multitude of people, even those who had participated had frowned upon their involvement. People indicated their antiwar sentiments through different means of expression including music, art, writing. A particularly successful example of said antiwar sentiment includes the letter written by Sandy Kempner. Through the use of sarcasm, Kempner is able to effectively convey his particularly negative view of the war.
I hope you and your family had a wonderful Easter weekend. I have been praying for bud and I hope he is progressing in therapy as planned. Pam stopped by yesterday to drop off easter candy yesterday. Sallie is doing such a wonderful job with the groceries and I am glad she is continues to volunteer for wisdoms wellsprings. Also, thank you pastor alyce for being a listening ear to the ladies and giving them an opportunity to have a place to reside.
The image of how many lives affected by smoking can be a difficult one to capture properly. The image of people who are living their lives slowly becoming the worthless smoke of just another cigarette can cause the viewer, perhaps for the first time, to see clearly that the effects of smoking can go further than they first thought. While lighting a cigarette, it is doubtful the average smoker thinks much about the damage done, not only to themselves, but to those around them as well. Your public service message implies that the second hand smoke the average smoker exhales so easily is just as damaging to those nearby as to the person smoking. This may be difficult to imagine, but the fact still stands that with every puff, with every breath out damage can be inadvertently done to a hapless bystander.
There was once a woman from a time long ago named Hedy Lamar, she came up with the idea of radio waves, jumping to direct a torpedo to its target without it being seen on radars. She was shut down by everyone because she was a girl and couldn't invent anything. She gave her idea, to the navy and they created wifi years after her death. She never got any credit for inventing wifi, and I thank Hedy Lamar because wifi changed my life.
As a student of Mills High School, I am writing you this letter in hopes that you will consider my position on the continued authorization of Zeitoun being read at Mills. In the best interest of the student body of Mills, I firmly believe that Zeitoun should continue as summer reading due to the numerous positive effects it can have on students.
If Boba Fett should bring you some misery. I hear your roar and I am at rest, my pet. Our love has had better moments guarantee, Seeing your fur beside me, I would meet any threat.
The Grinch isn’t guiltly with the charges brought aganist him. The Grinch has many traits like Helpful, creative, careful, thoughtful, and etc. What about that one time he saved that girl, two times! Do you remember that one time he made the santa costume and sleigh, do you also remember him making that present for that girl? The grinch did nothing wrong, he’s a nice person (Not really), if you give him a chance.
The book I will be doing a report on this week is Darth Paper Strikes Back. I believe that the book was well written. This book was probably a very hard book to write and make. I really think that the author took his time to make this book the best he could and as kid friendly as possible. This book wasn't like other books it was a chapter book, but at the same time it was a graphic novel.
Darth Vader dies because of his great ambition to be a great power. He is very ambitious because he is never satisfied with the his destruction and control of the universe. He wants everyone to be on the dark side, including his son Luke. His ambition causes a fight beetwen his son and the Emperor because Luke does not want to be on the dark side as Vader wants. In the end of this fight, Darth Vader loses his life, because of his ambition, when decide to protect the poor Luke from Emperor.
It is with my youthful disposition of arrogance, obnoxious temperament, and a vigorous hunger for new ideas and debate that I write you this extremely wordy letter as a testament to my feelings of the proceedings of your administration and the congress that is occurring simeotaneously albeit with no visible cooperation or consistency with the feelings of you, your advisers, the main ideals of the party which controls the legislative body, or the people that the government is supposed to be serving and of your character.
P.S. You will not believe that news my ears have just heard. Banquo has been
I am writing this letter because I read your book and I want to say that I like, but I also have some questions that I would like you to answer me. What motivated you to write this book? Did this really happened or you just created everything? Why the characters have to choose who to save and who have to die. I also would like to know if you make some research of this magic of if you heard some stories about a black lion, because that was strange to have a black lion inside your chest. If this is a real life story that is so cool but if doesn’t it a great story anyways. Why did you choose to write about a super power do you have one, or you wish, you can have one like this one? I would like to have super powers I would like to read minds,