
Life Coaching And What It Can Do Essay

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I just wanted to spread the word about Life Coaching and what it can do to help just about anyone. No, not every coach is suited for every client but the right coach/client combination is such powerful tool.

I hear different variations of the following questions and statements a lot: "What can a coach do for me?", "I can 't afford to pay a coach!", "What does SHE know that I don 't know?", "I don 't need a stinking ' Coach!" OK, well I tossed the word "stinking '" in there (smile) but I do know there are many people who could benefit from the power of coaching but feel they don 't need it.

Let me ask you a question? Who is considered one of the greatest golfers of all time? Tiger Woods right? Well guess what, the greatest golfer of all time has a coach! In fact Tiger has had several coaches including Butch Harmon, Hank Haney, Sean Foley and most recently Chris Como. You see even if you are the greatest at what you do, you can always improve on that greatness. Coaching doesn 't always mean that there is something wrong with you, coaching can help you improve on what you are already doing to make you even better.

Hopefully the following can open some eyes to the magic of this wonderful tool called life coaching!

Coaching is an effective process used to support individuals in creating something new for their lives. I work side by side with my clients in coaching by providing perspective and support for self-knowledge as they accomplish their business and personal goals as

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