Life goals essay There are many goals in my life that I would love to achieve. I am only 15 years old so I can’t write as much as someone twice my age so to say, but I strictly know my high school goals, college goals, career goals, and personal goals. As a 15 year old I have a lot already planned out so I will soon see how close I follow my goals. My first and most important high school goal I have is to finish school with a G.P.A. 3.8 or higher. I can not stress enough how important this goal is to me, for this goal will enable me to a higher possibility of getting into the college of my choice. If I fail to complete this goal I will have to apply to less prestigious colleges, which will not be the best for my future career and …show more content…
Getting into a prestigious medical school is my number one college goal. Of course I will have to attend a four year college before I do this, but I hope to get into the most competitive medical school I can. By reaching and achieving this goal it will make my career goals easier to overcome. I have started to research different medical schools also I have been focused on the medical schools with an accelerated program. To achieve this goal I have I will have to get my bachelors and master degrees, then I will continue on to accept my medical doctorate. I have talked to doctors about what college they went to and how long it took them to finish the accelerated program if they chose that option. I still need to go to college and be accepted into a medical school. After I receive my medical doctorate I would like to continue on and study a specialty specifically in dermatology which will allow me to say I’m a certified doctor in the medicine. This will also enable me to open a medical practice just for dermatology and guide patients with the correct medicine, creams, face scrub etc... In the ninth grade I did a project in Biology on dermatologist and I had to go around town and interview the local dermatologist this opened my eyes to what I would like to do with my life. I furthered my study after this project and this practice really caught my eye so to say, also my mom and I have came close friends with a dermatologist
I am a 17-year-old junior at Port Saint Lucie High School. I plan on graduating with high honors and getting scholarships for college. When I graduate, I don’t plan on “taking a break” I plan on enrolling to a four-year college. I want to study in the medical field. I’m planning on majoring in being a nurse, or a registered nurse or a paramedic. My top two choices for colleges are located in Boston Massachusetts which are Northeastern University and Boston University. While being in college I also plan to have a part time job that will help me pay all my expenses.
Goals, goals, goals they're what people think about and how they are going to achieve them in the future. My three goal in life are to get in the college of my choice, go skydiving and to get a well paying job. These three goals are important to me because they are what I am likely to achieve within the next ten years. As I grow and blossom into someone big, someone bigger than who I am today I don’t mean just physically but bigger intellectually, and more capable. These goals show me that if I want to achieve them, then I have to work hard to accomplish them.
Life is a continual learning process, which requires a strong method to develop better ways of apprenticeship. Personally, being able to obtain a higher education gives me an opportunity to be better in many ways. Everyone should have any personal goals in life in order to survive, prosper and succeed in every journey that life gives. As for me, being a University of Phoenix student, I hope to achieve all of my goals on which I have been trying to pursue and obtain through the years. They are goals that I believe I need to have to be a successful member of the society, and through attending the university I also hope to gain a more positive image of myself, build my personal growth, along with achieving
As a child and even as a teenager one tends to make dreams and set goals for life. On occasion these goals are far stretched and sometimes even fairy-tale like, we tend to see life through a rose-colored glass, not taking into account the many sidetracks life throws our way. At that stage in life our goals tend to be less focused and somewhat unreachable. However, the process of growing up, or maturing, tends organized and center our goals, we learn to make compromises and set goals for our goals. There are different types of goals, short term and long term. I have learned to separate the many goals I have into three main categories: family, professional and personal.
My goals for after high school, is to got to Greenville Tech. I have different ideas of what I want to do for my career. I have a lot of plans after high school career-wise. My goal for sure, is to finish college, but there is so much to study,
Goal setting has always been an important factor in my life, because of that I have accomplished things that I am very proud of. Without goals it would make it very hard to succeed in life because there is nothing to work hard for. Goal setting is a constant reminder of the things that are important to you. It gives me the motivation to work hard every day so that I can achieve my goals. Goals are what keeps each of us different. Throughout my life, I hope to continue to set goals.
I have many goals in life such as to have a good strong career and family. What is important to me is graduating Central high school and go on to UND. While at UND I plan to get my nursing degree and specialize in pediatrics and truama. I have
One of the best ways to follow a successful path is to set goals for yourself. They are important to keep yourself on task and to get to a desired point of self fulfillment. The issue can be how to achieve goals in a successful manner. The issue is "Although people may desire or intend to attain some outcome, they are not committed to that as a goal until they are willing to invest affect, cognition, and behavior in attaining it" (Traci Mann, 2013). This is why it is important to have a set path on how to accomplish important goals. I have chosen three goals that I want to accomplish to demonstrate a Process known as SMART, to help accomplish them. There goals are that I want to finally earn a college degree(personal), I want to make it
In the contemporary world university degree is very important and many students enter the university each year to earn their bachelors or Master’s. Usually people use their university degree to advance their careers and to achieve success. But those people who have ambitions and who determinate with their career plans, the best decision is to continue education and to develop and improve theoretical knowledge and practical skills in chosen field. Besides educational background, practical experience also lays important role in the career. Due to my current obligations (work/life) I have the desire to receive further education cannot interrupt my current career and do not have an opportunity to attend traditional classes and to devote
Drawing characters, backgrounds, rims, cars, or trucks spends most of my pastime. In addition to drawing, I would also like to partake classes in Animation. Art directors earned $56,880 in 2000, and the highest 10% made more than $109,440 dollars. Artist work about 40 hours a week, but during busy periods, they work overtime to meet deadlines.
As most of my peers, I have been asking myself a question, what do I want out of my life? This question bothers many people, and not only the college students who are trying to figure out the path that will lead them to the comfortable life. One might ask, what is that comfort that we all are striving for? Is it a state of mind or is it some unknown world that we are so eager to enter. It varies from person to person; there are several aspects, such the way were raised, making, of our lives that could influence a person and the future decisions that we’ll make.
My personal goal as a student at the University of Phoenix is to obtain a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Management within the next two years. This goal is very important to me because of the impact it will have on my family, work and personal life. In my family it will set a positive example for my daughters, grandchildren, and youngest sister. My family has been a source of support throughout my years in college as I have pursued this degree while maintaining a full time job. Obtaining the degree will be an accomplishment not only for me but also for my family who has given me the encouragement to reach my goal. I would like for my grandchildren to remember their grandmother as a strong and educated woman.
A person needs to achieve certain goals in one's life before you can call them successful. Success is to achieve goals, you have set. I have set certain goals I would like to achieve in my lifetime. Some of these goals are personal while others are professional. My professional goals in life are to find a good job that makes me happy, get a good education, find a job that makes enough money for me to support my family, and help people. Goals it is very important for me to receive a good education. Most job fields require a descent education. If I don't have an education I would not be able to function properly at the work place and I would not understand what to do. To maintain a good job that will make good money will require me to go
one and you hope every day that one day you will fulfil it, you have
My whole life I have always wanted to become a successful engineer, and graduate from the University of Cincinnati. Some of my goals in life are to go to the University of Cincinnati. Another one of my goals is to become some type of engineer. But as of right now I would like to be a aerospace engineer. To be honest I really don’t know what influenced me to want to become and engineer. But something about engineering always appealed to me for some reason. But lately my engineering teacher has had a positive impact on me and is really making me like engineering and the overall field. So I guess that Mr. Smith has influenced me into being an engineer. My plan b is to be an engineer too. But this type of engineering would just be easier to