Literature Review and Data Analysis
Teacher-Student Interactions The essence of this project is grounded in the understanding of the student-teacher relationship. In examining current literature that relates to this focus, there are evident themes that arise from the research. This research project will attempt to interpret the influence gender has on the student-teacher relationship by analyzing teacher-student interactions, classroom participation, and discipline. Some researchers suggest that the way a teacher is perceived during the first encounter with students resembles future classroom interactions as perceived by students. For example, Sadker (1993) examined the teacher-student interactions in relation to teacher and student gender. He found that male and female teachers tend to initiate interactions with male students more than female students. The study brings to light a possible disengagement of the female student body with their teachers, especially the male teacher, not only due to the lack of male teachers in their educational history, but also due to the tendency of the teacher, male and female, to initiate more interactions with male students rather than female students. These interactions can be detrimental to not only the student’s relationships with their male teachers, but also to their educational experience and future relationships with teachers of the male gender. The student-teacher relationship has a significant influence on
Literature reviews can be of great benefit to social work practitioners. According to the Health and Care Profession’s Council’s standards of proficiency for social workers, practitioners must ‘be able to engage in evidence-informed practice’ (HCPC, 2017. p.11). This evidence includes research knowledge (Webber, 2014). The requirement for practitioners to draw on knowledge from developments in policy, practice and research is also reflected in the Professional Capabilities Framework for Social workers in England (The British Association of Social Work, 2012). Exploring research papers can assist with this process but with the increasing amount of published research reports, one can be overwhelmed by the amount of papers to digest and consider its application (Aveyard, 2014). As a literature review gives a clear picture of all the relevant literature on a specific topic, it proves a more convenient strategy for learning about the current context regarding an area of interest. Furthermore, Webber explains that research evidence is important for social work practice as it informs our knowledge on what works and does not work for service users (2014). This suggests that practitioners should endeavour to stay up to date with their knowledge of developments in social work as part of their professional development in order to ensure they can practice effectively with service users.
One of the most important components of successful science teaching is the use of effective questioning (Clough, 2007). Abraham and Schlitt (1973) argue that, “Teaching requires continuous analysis of both student and teacher behaviors and subsequent modificationof classroom performance.” They also say teachers must be their own critics if continuous analysis is to occur (Abraham & Schlitt, 1973). The topic that I chose to focus on analyzing are the interactions, such as questioning and responding, that take place between teachers and their students. Given the topic, this
As a previously high school student, I would often be motivated by my female teachers to study more and aim for higher grades. On the other hand, my brother’s male teachers would often find ways to demotivate students and just finish their material instead of actually educating them. Therefore, I was positively impacted by my teachers and have the motivation to complete my school work. Not all male teachers are violent towards boys but most would resort to hitting. Being violence towards a student to teach them is the worst solution you can ever have.
The purpose of this paper is to discuss the challenges in providing quality care to the elderly. I will conduct an evidenced-based literature review addressing quality improvement initiatives and programs for older adults. Following the literature review, I will describe barriers and solutions of quality programs and initiatives for older adults. Lastly, I will identify the future impact on nursing care of older adults resulting from this experience.
Frymier, A. B., & Houser, M. L. (2000). The teacher student relationship as an interpersonal
When students feel excluded or not part of, academic achievement decreases (Brown, 2007). The importance of a positive student-to-teacher relationship is critical in order for students to succeed and find themselves fit in the world of academia (Anderson, Nelson, Richardson, Web, & Young, 2011). Interestingly, the data gathered from this study is consistent with previous research on barriers to student achievement. Anderson et al., (2011) goes on to suggest that there is a direct correlation between student behavior, positive or negative, and the teacher’s relationship with a student. When considering this, it must be understood that the relationship between the student and teacher, whether positive or negative, contribute to students’ academic outcomes and sense of belonging.
Not just anyone has the patience or ability to teach boys or young men; it takes a special quality which select few have. I have attended an all-boys school since first grade, so all my teachers have had that uncommon trait. In order to better reach their young male audience, these teachers often opt to abandon the norms for so-called “correct” teaching styles in favor of more distinctive methods. Over the course of my academic career, I have been taught by a great number unique teachers.
Basically, this is for CSBGL, which is Center for the Studies of Boys and Girls lives and this year we are researching student teacher relationships on campus. I am going to ask you a bunch of questions and if you can be as specific as possible.
This section explains the development of CBI-related theoretical frameworks, the different CBI measures and indices that have been reviewed through various studies; the fore said benefits of CBI and wraps-up empirical evidence.
To conduct our research we started by finding five English classes that we could go into and observe the interaction during class. We tried to get an even balance of male and female teachers to avoid bias. During a class that we sat in on we looked for who would participate in class when prompted. ( as in who raised their hand or who
Next, we will discuss the teacher subculture of a school environment. Teachers are an important “subculture since they make the most contact with students” (Ballentine & Hammack, 2012, p. 216). The culture that is set by the teacher impacts the learning process by either helping students thrive or be unsuccessful. Also, the subculture that includes teachers can be further broken down into grade levels, content areas, or length of service. For instance, an inexperienced teacher will not immediately be included in the subculture of seasoned teachers. It will take time for him/her to be accepted into that subculture. A new teacher who tries to be too friendly to students may receive sanctions from
Information and communication technology has been adopted and implemented within various sectors of the economy. This is attributed to the benefits of technology in facilitating organizational activities and processes and its use in meeting the changes which characterize the modern society. The health sector is one of the industries which have significantly implemented technology. The health sector’s technological applications have been achieved within health information systems. The implementation of technology in this sector has resulted into both positive and negative implications on health
The plan of buying safe low beta stocks while shorting riskier high beta stocks has been shown to deliver significant risk-adjusted returns (Asness). It has been suggested that low risk investing brings high returns because of industry bets that favor a slowly changing set of heavy industries (Asness). The effect of management design on the portfolio performance of activity managed equity mutual funds increases when portfolios are focused in the top one or two stocks with each industry sector (Goldman). Funds managed by a single manager have much concentrated portfolios, tend to perform better, and have higher expense ratios than funds managed by multiple managers (Goldman).
The influence of strain on the mobility of intrinsic silicon was first observed in 1954 by C.S Smith [19]. The origin of strained Si film grown on relaxed SiGe can be traced to the 1980s [19]. While strain effects were not largely exploited, it was in the early 1990s that the strain was once again revived at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), USA on process induced and biaxial strain. In 1992, the first n-channel MOSFET with a strained Si channel exhibiting a 70% higher mobility was demonstrated [19]. The commercial adoption of strain technology was followed in 90 nm technology node by all major semiconductor companies like AMD, Integrated
The teacher- students’ interactions and the roles of social sources toward the development of students’ learning.