
Literature Review Of Tesco

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Introduction (Section 1)
The business that I will be talking about is Tesco; this business is known to create value for customers to earn their lifetime loyalty. Tesco offers a wide range of products and services from groceries, household products, and clothing to insurance (travel insurance), this highlights that the company falls into the high volume category. A high volume category is when, a business that has a high number of trades, which leads to more products which also leads to catering to more customers. Tesco is known to be a business that has a high variety of products; as the company has a wide range of suppliers also Tesco intends to cater to a wide range of customers. The company intends to have a seven part strategy; this enables Tesco to have a long-term sustainable growth, as this puts responsibilities to the groups Tesco serve, furthermore when it comes to visibility the business wants to develop the companies’ responsibility strategy and manage its performance.
When it comes to variation most of Tesco’s products tend to be in demand regularly, Tesco’s main products are based off groceries which people buy on a regular basis, however since the business has a high variety of products and services that they provide and sell, Tesco will also have a high demand seasonally as certain services and products sales such as suit cases will incline due to seasonal changes.

Literature review (section 2)
Inbound logistics is based off the transport, storage and

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