
Living A Good Life : The Importance Of Self-Love

Decent Essays

In order to live a good life, it is necessary to first love yourself because with the help of self-love, you are able to appreciate yourself and in turn appreciate others, which ultimately leads to a good life. Life is something precious. Something valuable. Something that cannot be replaced. If something like life is so precious, then we must find ways in order to make it the best possible lives for ourselves. Before we can make a good life for ourself, we must first learn to love and appreciate ourselves before we can anything else. Imagine living in world where you loved everyone and everything but yourself. You constantly put others and their feelings first, and put yourself last. At first, this may seem like a sincere thing to do but after a while it can begin to backfire on you. Loving and respecting yourself is something so important in living life. If we do not have love and respect for ourselves, have can we expect to have love and respect for others? You would expect for this to be a simple task but in reality it is just the opposite. In some point in our lives, we have struggled with this very deed. Learning to love yourself takes time, understanding, and patience. It is very easy to equate this with arrogance and narcissism, but it is the complete opposite. Self-love involves knowing yourself as a person, your likes and dislikes, your goals and aspirations, what exactly it is that you want in life. Sometimes the idea of love gets confused with the idea of

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