Living in Darkness: Students Who Are without Computers in Their Educational Career.
It was the second to last day of school and Bill and his classmates were ready for their final test of the year. The teacher told them that it was a take home test that was online and all they had to do was submit it when they were finished. Bill was the only student in the class without a computer so he was not able to do it. So he ended up falling behind all his other classmates as they moved onto the 5th grade while he had to stay in the 4th grade. If Bill were to have a computer he would have been able to take advantage of all the positive effects that computers offer to students in today's world.The problem is that not every student can afford
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With a computer my grades excelled it was easy to research for projects for science and history, while it was easy to type papers for english. A study done by The Pew Research Center 75% of teachers said that computers and online search engines had a positive effect on their students educations. For example a student would be able to search a word that they are unsure of which takes ten seconds instead of flipping through the dictionary for a few minutes. Annie Gowen of The Washington Post discusses how in 2009 one in three families in the United States is without access to a computer. Gowen goes on to talk about a young girl who was apart of the percentage of families without computers and how it affected her education. Gowen states that the girl struggled to do her online assignments and was not able to research for her …show more content…
Students who have access to computers have more resources at their disposal and will be able to succeed easier than other students. Gerry Smith who has a Masters degree at Northwestern writes that an estimated 100 million people in the United States are without computers or internet access. Smith talks about a girl named Jillian Maldonado and the struggles that she goes though just to get her assignments finished and to turn them in. Jillian is a single mother and must walk to her job and school because she can not afford a vehicle or public transportation. She has to walk three miles to her local library to type and submit her paper. She might not be in High School but just think many students are not allowed able to drive or afford public transportation and this is basically what they must go though just to do their school work. With the schools providing laptops to their students they will not have to struggle with walking or looking for a place just to turn in their
Writer, Paul Bogard, in his article, “Let There Be Dark”, argues that natural darkness should be preserved. He supports this claim by first stating that the dark is beneficial for our health, he then goes on to explain that animals also depend on darkness, and finally, he claims that our nights are growing brighter due to light pollution. Bogard’s purpose is to inform and argue in order to explain why the dark is important to society. He establishes an informative tone so that everyone understands why the dark is a necessary part of life. Bogard begins by first reasoning that the dark is good for everyone’s health because it produces melatonin.
In defense of laptops in the classroom” Summary/Analysis/Response (SAR) Paper Summary “In defense of laptops in the classroom” written by Rebecca Schuman, talks about the issue of why computers should be allowed in a college classroom. Schuman explains how people of the new generation use computers in classrooms doing almost everything in college now, rather it be taking notes or accessing course material, and it's more affordable for poorer students. Analysis Schuman attempts to use logos, structuring of her article, and has a good purpose to persuade readers of her agreement. Schuman wrote this article “In defense of laptops in the classroom” in order to persuade professors why computers should be allowed in the classroom and how you can combat them if the student isn’t paying attention, plus they are more affordable for poorer students because they’re covered by financial aid. Schuman focuses on this group of audience primarily because some professors do not like computers in their classroom rather it be because the student isn’t paying attention or is using the computer for non-class related things. Schuman attempts to reason the discussion of why computers should be allowed in the class is that it’s completely up to the student whether they use it for good or not. Schuman makes the point early on that she feels that the computer is not faulty, but rather the student who makes the decision on what use to use the computer for. Schuman exemplifies this problem when she
“In defense of laptops in the classroom” written by Rebecca Schuman, talks about the issue of why computers should be allowed in a college classroom. Schuman explains how people of the new generation use computers in classrooms to do almost everything in college now, rather it be taking notes or accessing course material, and its more affordable for poorer students.
has somehow "fallen". It is not clear how she came to be is the state
She made use of the various studies that had been conducted on students (eg. Cornell, 2003 and Fred, 2006) to meet eye-to-eye in accepting that it has been an ongoing debate to ban laptops. However, she gave examples that make us think and accept that banning laptops is not the only way. Her usage of her own experience as a professor conducting classes using the laptops for “regularly planned activities” (Para 9) showed the positive use of laptops in class. She also described “teaching a 13th-grade classroom” (Para 7) as a college class. It is hard to imagine that college students will still act like children that do not think for themselves.
Digital Extremes release of Darkness 2 was awesome. Its a first person shooter with a difference. You become a demon throughout the game with tentacles to kill and slap foes. It is a fun game that is quite addictive. I personally managed to complete it within a week.
The boy attempts to come up with words for the essay to put onto the paper. While he is trying to come up with the words he is staring blankly at his laptop wishing he could use it. He knows that it would be faster to finish the essay and easier for him to come up with something, but he also knows his teacher would not allow him to do it on the computer. If schools switched from textbooks to computers students could become driven to do work simply because they are comfortable with computers. Computers can help students learn faster and in certain cases, easier. Computers can also hold multiple textbooks on just one device, It has been proven that students get better scores on test while using a computer. Computers have better resources than a textbook contains. Better test scores are better for the average student so that they can increase their grades and raise their grade point average. While textbooks can be heavy in large amounts computers can hold tons of textbooks
Babies crying for their mothers, stiff bodies huddling together, desperate for warmth, one innocent family thrown into a train. A mother, daughter, son, and father. Night time is suppose to be calm and quiet, no cars running, streets are silent, only light showing are the street lamp posts guiding your way downtown.
It also talks about how technology may have caused the children to receive poor grades. The son mentioned in the article had a ton of programs and applications available to him on his computer,
Technology in the classroom is vital, and Steve Job (Boomer, 2013) said it best, “If they’d be only one computer in every school, some of the kids would find it, and it would change their lives.” The local school district is a firm believer in this quote by Steve Jobs, however continuing to use an furnish the pupils throughout the school district with an Apple MacBook Air not so much. The continued rising cost of repairs along with rental contracts ending, the school district in now on the hunt for a more affordable one-to-one laptop for the students to use.
Technology is everywhere in the world, it can bring greatness to some people and harm to others. However, Technology encourages a person to make up a façade online, something that is completely different from their selves in real life. It discourages social interaction and it can really take away from education. Many young people use technology to get away from the real world. There are not so many people in the world that doesn’t depend on tech to get them to others. Berkley School District has learned about the National Education Technology plan made by the White House that encourages schools to use technology to make the future of teaching and learning. The school
Being proficient in using technology will be a prerequisite for almost any employment for younger students. It is the school’s job to prepare many of these kids for employment, and that is especially true for the lower socioeconomic areas where students with computers at home are rare. Eisenberg and Johnson describe this basic skills education as the “laundry list” approach to computer education. By ‘list” they mean isolated skills, such as word processing, or searching the Internet. “Students need to be able to use computers and other technology flexibly, creatively and purposefully. All learners should be able to recognize what they need to accomplish, determine whether a computer will help them to do so, and then be able to use the computer as part of the process of accomplishing their task.”1
This essay will talk about how in today’s modern world we can use technology to increase the academic success of a student. Along with that, we will cover the different types of devices used today, the World Wide Web and its search engines, how technology is used in school and what are its downfalls, and how technology benefits distant learners and lastly how to use technology effectively.
The darkness. Such a scary or suspicious word to most people, but I know why that is. In the dark, you don't know what's expected to come or what's going to appear because you can't see anything. That can be brought out in the literal definition that there is no light or in a mysterious way of evil like a figure or shadow. Do humans actually know that darkness isn't meant to be scary but just a way of life? Yet we can't control the thoughts of humans and their perspective of everything, but we can control their poor or mistaken actions. What I mean by we, is us the shadows. Don't be too quick to judge though because we are the good shadows. The protectors, the helping hand, or whatever you might call it. Every living person has a shadow that follows them around in the light. That's just it though, we don't follow the humans around, we're the eyes on the back of their head. In trouble we're already close by so we do whatever we can to help them out because it's our job. My job unfortunately hasn't even started yet.
It 's 3:30 and school just got out and everyone is running home to finish their final project. Not owning a computer means that it 's going to have to be finished at the public library, which is two miles away from the School. If this project is going to get done that walk has to be made whether is sub zero degrees, snowing, or even raining. This is the sad reality that many students in the United States have to face in their everyday lives. School districts and Local government can come together and add to schools budgets so schools can provide computers to every student in their school.