
Craft Beer Industry

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As economies slowly improve, large organizations rely on third party logistics (3PL) companies to play the crucial role of creating innovative solutions in supply chain technology and process improvement. The supply chain market is optimistic for innovative 3PL companies in bad times and good regardless of the industry it handles. The ultimate goal of 3PL companies is to enhance visibility and increase responsiveness along the supply chain. This optimism has enabled new players emerge into the supply chain distribution market that was dominated by a few key logistics players. This paper reviews the current state of logistics visibility in the craft beer industry and determines the feasibility of opening a strategically located third party climate controlled distribution center(s) within the United States designed to service the expansive growth of the Craft Beer industry. It also addresses any assumptions for the application of technology and develops an innovation plan to drive supply chain excellence. This innovative plan is based on the application of Denning’s book, the Innovator’s Way.

The objective of the supply chain visibility in 3rd party logistics innovation plan is to enable local craft brewers expand their geographic footprints in the US through improved logistics process and efficient distribution channels provided by Satellite Logistics Group (SLG). The Houston-based company provides innovative complex supply chain solutions in

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