
Long Term Confinement In Prisons

Decent Essays

While there are many arguments from supporters for why long term confinement is expectable punishment for the inmates in prison, most popular reason is that it allows prisoner to reflect back on their crime and their victim, which in turn is supposed to aid in the rehabilitation process. But multiple studies and long term data collected across the country have proven that it’s simply not true. Based on information collected by the state of Connecticut (Tsui. 2), inmates who spend time in solitary confinement during their prison sentence were 92% more likely to be rearrested within three years compared to 66% of inmate who were not subjected to such treatment, while information from Texas shows that inmates who were housed in isolation units …show more content…

By depriving them of such crucial resources while their prisons because they are locked away in solitary confinement cells, inmates are being set up for failure because they lack the proper skills and resources that other inmates have access to while serving their sentence, which can be the reason for the higher revisionism rates among inmates who served time in the solitary confinement units compared to inmates who did not. (Unknown. 3) Because of data and studies provided by correctional facilities across the country, it’s safe to assume that solitary confinement doesn’t aid in the rehabilitation process of inmates but harms them even further since inmates would served time in long term confinement cells are more likely to commit additional crimes and be rearrested once they are released. If solitary confinement doesn’t work to rehabilitate inmates causes them to become more likely to commit additional crimes once released, then it shouldn’t be used as a form of punishment in jails and prisons across the

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