
Louis Xiv Research Paper

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There were three main reasons for the French revolution. The first one is the political cause, the French Monarchs had unlimited power. They arrested anyone at anytime and imprisoned them. Louis XIV, was a powerful monarch. He was hardworking, efficient, and a confident ruler. He was involved in many wars. He was also known as the Sun King. He was known for many things. He built the palace of Versailles and held court there. He kept the nobles out of politics. He had a desire for religious harmony. He wanted to increase his power by putting together an army. He built new industries. He improved communication. Louis XIV foreign policy weakened the economic condition of France. Louis XIV fought the seven year war against England which in the end didnt bring …show more content…

The French Society was divided into 3 classes, the Clergy, Nobles and Common People. The clergy was divided into 2 subgroups the higher clergy which was considered to be the top. They managed the churches, monasteries and educational institutions of France. They did not pay any tax to the monarch. The higher clergy lived in luxury. The lower clergy was considered the miserable. The nobility didnt pay any tax to the king. The nobility was also divided into two subgroups, which was court nobles and provincial nobles. The court nobles lived in luxury. They did not pay any heed towards the problems of the common people of their areas. The provincial nobles paid their attention towards the problems of the people. But they did not enjoy the same privileges as the Court nobles enjoyed. The farmers, cobblers, sweepers and other lower classes belonged to this class. The condition of the farmers was very miserable. All of them had to pay taxes. The doctors, lawyers, teachers, businessmen, writers and philosophers belonged to this class. They had the wealth and social status. The common people became rebellious. The third cause of the French Revolution was the economic

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