
Ludwig Van Beethoven And Western Music

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Beethoven is perhaps the most famous musician of all time. Ever since his death in 1827, he has been a principal figure in the history of Western Music. His influence later on was so enormous to other composers, that it actually intimidated them. Ludwig van Beethoven was born in 1770, to a family of musicians at the royal court of Cologne. His name descended from his grandfather, who settled in Bonn in 1732. Both his father and grandfather were professional musicians who performed at the court of Elector. In the important town of Bonn. Beethoven was greatly respected, but his dad was more of a problem. Beethoven’s father, left him many unpleasant memories one starting off with him being an alcoholic. since he became an Alcoholic. …show more content…

Financially, the first two years in Vienna were very difficult for Beethoven. His first home was in a basement. He had to spend money for furniture, a piano, and clothes, in order to make a name for himself. Even if his sense of style was not on point, his talent and personality made up for it. Most of his income were gifts from aristocrats, where he held concerts. Later, money came from author’s rights – he managed to publish his works right from the start, which was not an easy thing at that time. In the first years of his stay in Vienna he raised the extra money he needed from public concerts and tours. He didn’t like to be a teacher; nevertheless he gave private lessons, especially to young aristocratic girls. Usually they took lessons until they got married, after which they almost completely abandoned them. Among Beethoven’s students there were also famous pianists, talented and distinguished ladies like Tereza Brunswik or Dorothea Ertmann. (Beethoven’s fame was growing by the day. On March 29th-30th 1795, Beethoven was invited to his first "Academy" – a charity event for the widows and orphans of musicians. On December 16th 1795, the already famous Beethoven was invited to Haydn’s "Academy", despite the tense relationship between the two. In the same period, Beethoven had the satisfaction of yet another victory. For the artist’s annual ball, Vienna’s most acclaimed composers wrote dances:

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