
M1 Unit 1

Decent Essays

Unit One Test October 19, 2015 By Ben Christmann Which level of government has the most important role in your life? Why? Be sure to compare with the two other levels. I believe that the level of government that has the most important role in my life is the federal government. I believe this because the federal government controls the military, it contains the most powerful people, and the other levels don’t have as much control over laws and things as the Federal does. The federal government has full control over the military. I feel like this makes a huge impact on my life because if the military isn’t run properly and they make a mistake I could loose my life. The Federal Government has a lot of things to take care of but this is a very big one. The military is in charge of keeping the people in the country safe but also Canada has allies and sometimes Canada will use the military to keep those allies safe, even when it doesn’t affect us. Some people would argue that’s not right and some people would argue that it is. …show more content…

Here are some examples: There’s the Prime Minister Stephan Harper. He is the head of the government and the leader of the party in power. Then there is the leader of the opposition, Thomas Mulcair. He is the leader of the political party with the second largest seats in the House of Commons. Another big leader is the speaker of the house, Andrew Scheer. He ensures the flow of what is happening. A big one is the Governor General, David Johnson. He represents the Queen when she is not in

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