
MOHO Model

Decent Essays

Completing a personal analysis of a positive and negative cycle of occupational behavior facilitated a greater understanding of occupational behavior and the Model of Human Occupation (MOHO). Findings indicated the addition of the role of OTD student resulted in both negative and positive cycles to my life. Consequently, the negative cycle included an imbalance in roles and habits while conversely the positive cycle included embracing learning with immediate application to my area of practice. I identified strengths and weaknesses within all three subsystems. Within the Volitional system, I identified weaknesses related to returning to college after 30 years which caused feelings of incompetence and concerns regarding the ability to complete …show more content…

The MOHO is a client-centered holistic conceptual model for practice while the OTPF emphasizes a client-centered approach in data collection identifying what is important and meaningful to the client. The MOHO uses an open system approach to assess: Input, Person, Occupational Performance, and the Environment. In contrast, the OTPF considers how Client factors (MOHO Volitional subsystem), performance skills, performance patterns (MOHO Habituation subsystem) and contexts and environment (part of MOHO) impact occupational performance. Both MOHO and OTPF emphasize client-centered analysis. The MOHO has specific assessment tools while the OTPF indicates the occupational profile should include information that is similar to MOHO, regarding client values, interests, daily routines, patterns of engagement and feelings related to occupational function (AOTA, 2014, p. S13). Additionally, MOHO indicates data is collected and discussed with the client to help the client gain an understanding of their subsystems and how these impacts occupational performance (Cole & Tufano, 2014). The OTPF indicates data is collected to create an occupational profile through analysis of occupational performance skills. While both, MOHO and OTPF support interventions that are specific, meaningful, and focused on occupational performance. Also, the OTPF expands interventions to include therapist skills related to clinical reasoning, therapeutic use of self and activity analysis (AOTA, 2014). Both reflect practice guidelines appropriate for use across age spans and varying levels of need. I feel MOHO works well within the OTPF based on the open system, use of Volition, Habituations, and Mind-brain-body subsystems. Additionally, MOHO’s consideration of both physical and social environments aligns with the

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