
MPA Personal Statement

Decent Essays

When I first enter the Master of Public Administration Program I had very little knowledge of what it entailed. Everybody somewhat knows at a high level what government does. My hope was the MPA program would allow me to understand how the government functions at a micro level. My journey started off in the fall of 2014 with PA 603 and 611. PA 603 was a class that really built the foundation of how much work it takes to create research and statistics papers that government consistently writes. From taking data samples to quantifying the results there was always something I was learning. Having an understanding of these methods was big take away from this class. I am now able to lead research projects at my workplace, as I understand what it …show more content…

That’s why these government managers have to be very creative in the processes that they come up with. Managing in the government is no easy job. There is just as much downward pressure as there is in a private industry managerial position. A lot of people do not realize this, this is one of my biggest takeaways my degree.
After completed my classes I now understand what public service really means. There are many government employees that are making personal sacrifices to make this world a better place. These employees are taking lower pay and working just as hard if not harder than their private industry counterparts. These individuals are working to make the citizen’s life easier.
Throughout this journey I realized that these public employees really are trying to make a difference in the world. They do not run off of getting big bonuses or chasing money. Making a difference in peoples lives is what they are after. In my last year of high school I realized that money does not drive me, it’s making a difference in people. 4 years later I made a decision to pursue a degree that not only allows me to give back to my community, but to give back to the nation as a

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