
Mabo Decision : Queensland Government

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Mabo Decision

The case of Mabo decision with Queensland government was one of the most significant legal case in Australia, which recognised the land rights and the original ownership of Murray islanders in the Torres Strait. It was acting by Murray islanders and the High Court upheld. Based on the successful legal case, there are some key issues in the process for Indigenous’ land rights, which were changed in Australia law and affect future rulings in Australia, such as the Native Title ruling of the Aboriginal people’s land rights after the High Court passed the Act in 1993; in addition, due to this alteration of Australian laws, it not only had a big impact of Murray islanders but also on some other groups of Aboriginal people’s land rights reform.

The case was started by five Meriam people, Eddie Koiki Mabo, Reverend David Passi, Celuia Mapoo Salee, Sam Passi and James Rice. (Keon & QC, 2011) These men fought against the State of Queensland and the Commonwealth of Australia. In the early years, Mabo expelled from the island by Murray Council because of Mabo’s father, Robert Zezou Sambo was the leader of Murray islanders’ maritime strike at the same year when Mabo was born in 1936. The Mabo case was started in 1982; after ten years working on the litigation, the “Native Title Act” was passed in 1993. It signalled the success of the lawsuit and the rights of Murray people of their traditional lands, as well as Aboriginal people.

Due to the Murray Island became part of

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