
Macbeth Senior Research Paper

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In Shakespeare’s lifetime he wrote many plays. Many of them were critically acclaimed and others cast aside. The crowd always wanted to be more thoroughly entertained and
Shakespeare always tried to keep up with the people’s needs. In 1605, Shakespeare was being hounded for another work of genius. Hamlet and King Lear had just been completed and the people begged for more. He knew not of what to write and like many playwrights, he did research. He found two stories from Hollinshed’s Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland.
Shakespeare had already taken ideas from Hollinshed for his plays like Henry IV and Henry V.
William decided to combine the reign of Macbeth and the murder of King Duff by Donwald and his wife, altering both to …show more content…

The tone in Macbeth remains sinister and depressing throughout the play. Symbolism, on the other hand, kept the tragedy in tact, and if understood, revealed the whole play in the very beginning of her pages.
The character of Macbeth profoundly effects the play, by means of transpiring his actions to hurt others. If looking at the characteristics of good and evil, it makes the reader wonder what makes a person good or evil. Evil is not born into people, but it is the only option they have left. Three features we have seen stand out clear in the general conception of
Macbeth. There is his eminently practical nature, which is the key to the whole.
And the absence in him of the inner life adds two special features: one is his
helplessness under suspense, the other is the activity of his imagination with its
susceptibility to supernatural terrors...His practical power develops as capacity for
crime...his mind is as scorpions; it is tortured in restless ecstasy. Suspense has

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