
Major Depressive Disorder: A Case Study

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"I'm so depressed!" What are some of the more significant criteria for receiving a diagnosis of major depressive disorder? According to the textbook, major depressive disorder (MDD) is a prevalent disorder and occurs as a single episode or a recurrent condition. It lasts for a minimum of two weeks and displays a minimum of five symptoms, listed below, that significantly impair one’s functioning. Depressed mood most of the day, nearly everyday Diminished interest or pleasure in most or all activities, nearly every day Significant unintentional increase or decrease in weight or appetite Lack of sleep or sleeping excessively, nearly everyday Psychomotor changes noticed by others (agitation or sluggishness), nearly everyday Fatigue and/or loss …show more content…

(2015). Recreational Therapy for Specific Diagnosis and Conditions. Enumclaw, WA: Idyll Arbor, Inc. Have you ever used the word depression to describe something that is actually more temporary and much less acute? I don’t believe I used the word ‘depression’ to describe something that is more temporary and less acute. However, I have used the word ‘depressed’ to describe someone’s personality trait. For instance, think of the English language. I used the word depression as a noun for describing a condition and I used depressed as a descriptive adjective to highlight the way someone’s feeling at that time. Working in the healthcare profession, makes me use my words carefully. A "mild sadness or a brief response to external stressors." (Belmaker & Agam, 2008) What are the ramifications of misusing a term such as depression? I believe there are ramifications of misusing a term such as depression. As noted in some posts, which I agree with, misusing depression is inconsiderate and can be hurtful to people dealing with a stigmatized and debilitating condition. I also believe that by misusing the word ‘depression’, we continue to minimalize the term and condition. People begin to think depression is something a person can just snap out off anytime they want. For an example, John says he has depression because he failed a test. Two weeks later, John has forgotten about the test results and return to his normal self. John did not have depression and this is not the

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