
Makeup Artist Research Paper

Decent Essays

I have always had an interest in art. I enjoy drawing and painting, so naturally I would want to do something to incorporate those into the profession I have chosen. However, for much of my life, I wanted to be something that made an abundant amount of money to please my mother. My mother only wanted this for me to assure her that I would not be in the situation she has been in her entire life. Still to this day, she does not want me to become something that will provide little money, but I do not want to be any kind doctor, dentist, or lawyer. I want to do something that will make me the happiest in the end. Art makes me happy; therefore, I want to become a special effects makeup artist. I have many influences to thank for helping me realize that I can become a special effects makeup artist. One of these influences is a television show, …show more content…

The parts of Harry Potter that have inspired me are when Professor Lupin changes into a werewolf and the dementors. The time that would have been put into Lupin’s makeup would have taken weeks to complete. The makeup is so amazing that I want to try to recreate it. The dementors’ costumes are very simplistic, yet scary. This was also inspiring to me because it shows that something simple can be astounding as well. In Alice in Wonderland, the one thing that has inspired me was the makeup of the Mad Hatter. The makeup completely transformed Johnny Depp into another person and that, to me, is something truly inspirational. The special effects makeup in Maleficent was the best of the three movies. I loved all of the things in Maleficent. Maleficent’s makeup may have been very simple, but it still is beautiful and a work of art. Her makeup may be the easiest of all of my examples. The makeup is a type that many girls already know how to do; albeit, it does have prosthetic

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