During the end of November 2014 Sony Pictures Entertainment computer systems was reported on the attacks with a malware. The corporation internal architecture was comprised and sensitive data was stolen by the hackers according to (Computer Weekly Info) website.
This was the largest a cyber-attack in the company which had a severe impact with Sony Pictures company former and current employees. The company is working to restore the compromised system and eradicate the malware from the network.
The “Wiper” Malware Breach
According to analysis of wiper malware implicated that Sony Pictures Entertainment could have been an intended target for the data-wiping malware “Shamon-style attacks”. (SC Magazine, 2014.) The malware
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(Business Inside, 2014)
Sony’s Losses of Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability
The confidentiality in the loss of privacy lead to a breach resulted in tens of thousands of confidential documents being posted on the Internet revealing everything from Social Security Numbers of Sony employees, the home addresses and compensation plans of Sony executives. The leaks even produced documents that did not belong to Sony—documents from consulting firm Deloitte that had somehow found their way on to a computer inside Sony, disclosing compensation data on Deloitte consultants across the country. (Kataoka, 2014)
The integrity information at Sony revealed that it had been hacked, which shut down parts of the company’s network and stole internal data. The attack disabled computers, and employees had lost all past email, contacts, distribution lists, budgets and a variety of information on the network. Some data released online shows, list of employee salaries and bonuses, internal emails and unreleased films which included (To Write Love on Her Arms (March 2015), Still Alice (16 January 2015), Mr. Turner (19 December 2014), Annie (19 December 2014), and Fury (17 October
Sony has multiple networks, but the PlayStation Network has over 77 million users. In April 2011, Sony characterized a security breach as an “illegal and unauthorized intrusion” of the Sony networks. In fact, there was a series of breaches by different groups of hackers. The information provided by registered users, including usernames, passwords, names, and addresses, was compromised. In addition, the credit card information of users who make online purchases may have been compromised. Sony did not announce this information until a week after the last breech. The network was shut down after the last of the breaches.
A data breach incident which happened in 2014 could cost Sony Corp. $8 million in settlements, Bloomberg reported. The data breach happened when North Korean hackers were angered by "The Interview", a film that was centered around a fictional plot to eliminate Kim Jong-Un. Sony is reportedly going to pay $4.5 million to former and existing employees, while the lawyers who handled the case are expected to get $3.5 million.
There have been quite recently enough subtle elements spilled to the press and investigated by security specialists to assemble it. This was a focused on and pre-planned breach. That implies the attackers set out to break into Sony. A focused-on assault is the hardest to stop. "Against an adequately gifted, financed and roused hacker, all systems are defenseless," composed famous security professional Bruce about the Sony breach. The attackers said they accessed Sony's systems from the internal Sony. In November, after the breach was made open, a few workers said they reached the hackers group that caused the breach, Guardians of Peace, or GOP. "Sony left their entryways opened, and it bit them," a GOP part known as "Lena" revealed to CSO Magazine. "They don't do physical security anymore". "Physical security" is hacker speak for things like entryways, windows, keycards, and camcorders. The attackers said thoughtful workers let them into the building. Lena disclosed to The Verge, "Sony doesn't bolt their entryways, physically, so we worked with other staff with comparable interests to get in. "We don't know whether these workers were
Confidentiality must be met in the storage, processing, and transmission of data in an organization. For example, we are going to look at a major recent data breach. On March 8, 2017, the US department of homeland security sent Equifax and notice to patch a vulnerability in versions of the Apache Struts software. On March 9, Equifax dispersed the information to applicable personnel. Although told to apply the patch, Equifax security team did not find
In mid March 2011, spear phishing attack exploited an Adobe Flash vulnerability that was not patched at the time, and is considered as one of the worst attacks in 21st century. The RSA immediately reported that information stolen is related to SecurID two factor authentication products. The company has faced criticism of its approach and maintained secrecy by keeping attackers in the dark as much as possible. Later, in a conference call with analysts, RSA revealed that small groups of RSA employees were targeted through e-mail phishing displaying the title “Job Recruitment 2011” that landed in email-junk folder. The document is an excel sheet, resulting hackers to gain control of machines and access servers in RSA’s network. The excel sheet contained a zero-day installed through Adobe Flash vulnerability. Some hints were left when the thefts of RSA’s database mapping token serial numbers to the secret token seeds that were injected to make each one unique.
In April of 2011, Sony had a major breach in its video gaming online network. Countless amounts of customer data were stolen, including personal information such as where they lived, who they were, and possibly even their credit card information. This attack happened to about seventy seven million Sony accounts (Cunningham). Cyber or Internet threats have been both increasing and been getting more and more sophisticated. In 2011, Saudi Arabia and Israel had been getting back at each other with personal information. Hackers from both countries gained financial and personal information about the other countries’ citizens and published it. A 19-year-old Saudi Arabian posted the financial information of six thousand Israelis. For revenge, Israeli hackers secretly gained credit card numbers and financial details from thousands of Saudi Arabians
Customers to leave Sony because of the incident and reports of fraudulent use of identities obtained from the hack. While there have been no reports to date of the Sony hacker(s) using the stolen identities of Sony’s customers, the breach to Sony’s PlayStation Network involved millions of people around the world who used Sony’s PlayStation video game system and who may have had their credit card information stolen in the 2011 hacking incident (PBS, 2012). This hacking incident against Sony could have potentially included over seventy-seven million user accounts that were disconnected worldwide. The hacker obtained information to include players’ names, addresses, birth dates, email addresses, passwords and log-in names. According to Kevin Poulsen, senior editor at (as cited in PBS NewsHour, 2012), its going to cost Sony a lot of money and a lot of fan loyalty. Some of the people leaving Sony are not going to care about the breach itself. They are just going to be extremely angry that they were denied access to the PlayStation Network for so long. Additionally, according to Dennohey (2012), the 2011 hacker gained access to a database dating back to 2007. Within this database there were information which included bank account information on approximately 12,000 debit and credit card holders in Austria, Germany, the Netherlands and Spain. Sony claimed
A data breach is a security event in which tricky, guaranteed or private data is copied, transmitted, saw, stolen or used by an individual unapproved to do so. Data breaches may incorporate cash related information, for instance, Visa or bank details, Personal Health information (PHI), Personally identifiable information (PII), This may consolidate events, for instance, theft or loss of automated media, for instance, machine tapes, hard drives, or Pcs such media whereupon such information is secured decoded, posting such information on the web or on a machine by and large accessible from the Internet without honest to goodness information security protections, trade of such information to a skeleton which is not completely open however is not legitimately or formally authorized for security at the authorization level, for instance, decoded email, or trade of such information to the information systems of a maybe adversarial association, for instance, a battling undertaking or a remote nation, where it may be introduced to more focused unscrambling techniques. While Targeted attacks keep on raise, Intriguing development in these assaults. As initially reported in a year ago 's Internet Security Threat Report, aggressors included watering-hole assaults to their arms stockpile. Anyway reports of the passing of lance phishing
This malware was able to grab 56 million credit and debit cards. The malware was also able to capture 53 million email addresses. The stolen payment cards were used to put up for
Personal information, such as full names, and dates of birth with home addresses” ("Identity Finder Research Uncovers Depth of Sony Breach”). Tanmi Abdollah from San Jose Mercury News BUSINESS showed the aftermath of the data breach and what information was uncovered. Sony Entertainment Pictures reported that “salaries of top executives, five Sony-produced movies, including the unreleased “Annie,” appeared on file-sharing websites. Thousands of private, and sometimes embarrassing, emails hit the Internet” (Abdollah “Sony CEO Breaks down Hack Response, Google Role in 'The Interview' Release").
Such as the recent debate over freedom of speech and the Sony hacking scandal. Sony was hacked by North Korea on November 24, 2014 because of the release of the movie “The Interview.” The movie was pulled because of the threats surrounding the release, and many movie theaters would not show the movie because they felt they were liable or vulnerable to terrorists. President Obama spoke out about this, and he talked about how Sony has the freedom of speech to release the movie, and even though it was controversial, their freedom cannot be compromised. Sony later decided to release the movie on the internet, and the movie was very
Consequently, Sony hired an outside security firm to look into this matter and also tried to rebuild its system ‘’to provide greater protection for personal data’’.
Sony is a Japanese multinational corporation headquartered in Tokyo, Japan. It has diversified businesses which primarily focused on Game Entertainment, Electronic, Gaming Consoles and financial services. Sony is one of the comprehensive entertainment companies in the world. Sony group engaged in business through different operation segments like electronics including video games, network services, and medical business. Such a big organization which has a Hugh market has been met with a massive data breach. Let’s see the causes for data breach at Sony.
This Target breach stemmed from malicious software that was used on the Point of Service devices that record credit card
The attackers have claimed that they have purloin a tremendous heap of important information from Sony, perhaps as expansive as 100 terabytes of information, which they are gradually revealing in groups. According to sources the attackers have released online so far this incorporates, in extra the usernames, passwords and delicate data about its system engineering, a large group of records uncovering individual data about workers. The revealed reports incorporate a menu specifying of worker pay rates and rewards; Social Security numbers and birth dates; HR representative execution audits, criminal individual verifications and end records; correspondence about worker restorative conditions;