
Malware Breach Summary

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During the end of November 2014 Sony Pictures Entertainment computer systems was reported on the attacks with a malware. The corporation internal architecture was comprised and sensitive data was stolen by the hackers according to (Computer Weekly Info) website.
This was the largest a cyber-attack in the company which had a severe impact with Sony Pictures company former and current employees. The company is working to restore the compromised system and eradicate the malware from the network.
The “Wiper” Malware Breach
According to analysis of wiper malware implicated that Sony Pictures Entertainment could have been an intended target for the data-wiping malware “Shamon-style attacks”. (SC Magazine, 2014.) The malware …show more content…

(Business Inside, 2014)
Sony’s Losses of Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability
The confidentiality in the loss of privacy lead to a breach resulted in tens of thousands of confidential documents being posted on the Internet revealing everything from Social Security Numbers of Sony employees, the home addresses and compensation plans of Sony executives. The leaks even produced documents that did not belong to Sony—documents from consulting firm Deloitte that had somehow found their way on to a computer inside Sony, disclosing compensation data on Deloitte consultants across the country. (Kataoka, 2014)

The integrity information at Sony revealed that it had been hacked, which shut down parts of the company’s network and stole internal data. The attack disabled computers, and employees had lost all past email, contacts, distribution lists, budgets and a variety of information on the network. Some data released online shows, list of employee salaries and bonuses, internal emails and unreleased films which included (To Write Love on Her Arms (March 2015), Still Alice (16 January 2015), Mr. Turner (19 December 2014), Annie (19 December 2014), and Fury (17 October

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