
Roles Of The Manager: The Barclays Bank

Decent Essays

Barclays bank is one of the British multinational financial and banking service business companies that have its headquarters in London.
In connection to that, there are various duties or roles that the above bank’s manager does in ensuring that the daily activities of the bank run smoothly. The Barclays Bank manager is regarded as being the heart of the banking services offered by this organization. Typically, his or her responsibility entails managing the customers’ finances as well as saving time. As the manager of the bank, his or her role will be the management of workers to the point of increasing the general sale of the financial products and services (Downes et al, 2008). Such a manager also has the task of …show more content…

The Barclays Bank is extensively organized or divided into four core business branches, that is Personal and Corporate banking, Barclaycard as well as Investment Banking and Africa.
With respect to the roles played by the Barclays bank manager, there are various decisions that he or she makes in daily basis on during the start of the trading period. These decisions the Barclays bank manager has to make include;
➢ Strategic decisions
➢ Tactical decisions
➢ Operational decisions
On the other hand, the financial and accounting information and managerial accounting information include;
➢ With respect to the strategic decisions, these complex decisions that are basically made by the senior management. Such decisions majorly affect the whole direction that will be taken by the bank. Therefore the example of the information he will need for this decision may be to become one of the market leaders of their field (Cunningham et al, 2015).
➢ With the technical decisions, it should be noted that these are less complex decisions that are made by middle managers. Due to the fact that they follow the strategic decisions, their main aim is meeting the objectives that are stated in any of the strategic decision. An example of that information is the bank may be in the position of launching new services or just opening new branches. The objective for this is proving whether it might become the market leader.
➢ In

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